Dogs Training Discussions

Dogs Training Discussions


Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

What are the down falls of not getting my male dog fixed?

16 7,405

10 year old genious

I want to get a 2nd dog, but my dog has aggression against other dogs?

  • Diana3
  • South
8 7,432


Can a dog that has shown aggession still be trained not too?

7 7,509


How do I stop my dog from show aggression towards bikes and people running to us and by us?

1 7,539


what fun things can i do with my dog?

14 7,549


Is this type of aggression something I can fix?

8 7,610

Chix Rescues rock

Is a guinea pig a good pet of a 12 year old girl?

21 7,725

a gal and her dog0873

What do you think of this law. All owners of large dogs must have their dog tested for aggression?

16 7,782

Memphis Belle Make N Mischief

I have a 6 month old female pit bull, that is starting to show signs of dog aggression, advise?

2 7,806


Can a non aggressive dog learn aggression from another dog who is aggressive?

8 7,929


What kind of personality does best for dog agility?

  • Max2571
  • Mica
17 8,035


How do you stop your dog from possessive aggression?

9 8,073


How to fix my dogs leash aggression?

4 8,186

Chloe R

How to deal with big dog aggression towards a small dog?

5 8,219


how do you get rid of dog aggression?

7 8,255

Brad Gen

Why is my dog tired and weak all of the sudden?

1 8,308


Do you think breed banning laws are an appropriate response to dog aggression?

3 8,413


Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog?

19 8,453


Hunting dog training in the panhandle of texas?

  • 8040
  • na
1 8,469


Any breeds of dogs that are known to be good with other dogs?

10 8,538

Clumsical of the MC Squad