Other Pet Discussions

Discussions Related to Pets


Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

How can I stop my new kitten from biting me and everything else?

11 2,458

100 Touzours

What do you do when you regret getting a third dog?

  • 007
  • 5814
11 8,157


What is the purpose behind putting a ring in a bull's nose?

  • 42
  • lupa
11 2,838


how do i get rid of fleas in a house?

11 4,020

180SX Silvia0681

How much do you/would you be willing to pay a pet sitter and for what amount of time per visit?

11 7,905


We took in a stray female cat - could she be pregnant?

11 2,559


How can I make my cat stop vomiting every day?

12 3,377


What temperature should I keep my fish tank at?

12 3,528


What can i do to make my Cockatiel stop biting me?

12 2,998

Animal Luver Always 6382

How do you keep your cat from peeing on things?

12 1,873


What is the best dog breed for kids and protection in a warm (tropical) wheather?

12 2,019


How do you tell the difference between hamster genders and if their mating or not?

12 1,923

Memphis Belle Make N Mischief

What type of pet do you think is the easiest to care for?

12 4,393


Where can I find some information on keeping a pet human?

12 4,622


How do I keep my dog from running out the front door and getting away?

12 2,775


What kinda fishes can i have with low maintenance?

12 2,835


What is the youngest age for female dog to get pregnant?

12 3,575


How can you tell wether a fish is a male or female?

12 2,639


How do I get a rid of a mouse that is inside my bedroom wall??

12 2,267


How do I get me kitten to stop pooping outsided of the litter box?

12 2,139