Other Pet Discussions

Discussions Related to Pets


Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

How can I get my kitten to listen to me?

25 5,442

Memphis Belle 2556

How can I get my dog to settle himself down?

  • na 3756
  • A G
19 5,474


How do I make a new kitten feel more at home?

  • 3Rat
  • 3mom
26 5,496


How do you get rid of ants safely, without having to get a exterminator?

22 5,499

Cheyanne Passion For Dogs

What is the best way to get rid of fleas on a kitten?

  • Phoenix
  • 3
12 5,508


How do I get my dog to stop sniffing peoples crotches when he meets them?

20 5,523


What age does a kitten start on adult cat food?

  • Phoenix
  • 7651
22 5,576


What is the most humane way to put a cat down?

12 5,579


My cat got spayed yesterday and won't eat???

18 5,586

a gal and her dog7962

How do you get a kitten to stop biting and scratching me?

25 5,617


How do you deal with the sudden loss of a pet?

14 5,697

99 Red Balloons

Can I feed my cat different brands of cat food?

20 5,751

3 my mutt

How can you tell if a kitten is a female or a male?

14 5,814


What should I do with my parakeet who beats up the other one?

24 5,822


How do you know when to let the family pet go?

26 5,847


How to protect yourself from your dog's fleas and ticks?

13 5,870


How do I stop my dog from gnawing his skin?

13 5,873

K a R a B o o

How do you decrease the amount your dog barks?

24 5,920


How do I get my cat to stop scratching the leather chair?

12 5,964


What is the best way to train you dog without much hassle and how?

15 6,002