Other Pet Discussions

Discussions Related to Pets


Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

What is the best way to train you dog without much hassle and how?

15 6,076


What is the cheapest type of parrot to buy?

4 6,087

Memphis Belle Black N Sassy

How can I convince my husband that cats are not disgusting?

25 6,104


How to stop my puppy from peeing in the house?

15 6,144

a gal and her dog1678

What is the absolute best brand of food I can buy for my adult Lab?

23 6,154


How do I get my puppy to stop biting me?

27 6,186


How can I get my cat to stop crapping outside the litter box?

15 6,191


How do I get my neighbors to stop letting their dogs into my yard to do its "business"?

25 6,324


Any idea how to get rid of ticks and fleas?

24 6,445

Memphis Belle 5248

How do you get cats to stop pooping on the floor?

23 6,499

100pre chiva

I bought a fish tank and my fish keep dying/ what do i do?

31 6,545


How in thee world does a person keep their dogs from digging around the house and flower gardens?

18 6,587

Nekkid Bootie 8830

How do I get my dog to quit following me everywhere?

  • 5057
  • 1310
16 6,689


At what age do kitties start eating moist food ?

31 6,779


What is a good pet that requires little work?

  • 1211
  • -Grc-
18 7,478


Why does my cat come real close to my face and smell my eyes?

5 7,525


What Kind of Fish Can Live In a Fish Bowl?

33 7,830


What is the best way to properly start a saltwater aquarium?

41 8,379


What kinds of fish and plants can you put with a sea horse?

1 8,568


What do you do for a dog that has constapation?

4 8,783
