General Dog Discussions

General Discussions Related to Dogs


Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

what is a good home remedie to get wax out of a dogs ear and un clog them?

1 485


what can be causing my dog's eye to be discarging and irratating him?

4 485


My dog needs to go under for a endoscopy?

1 485

2 Happily Married Americans1284

What is the best external way to daily groom a Chihuahua?

1 485


What do you think the odds are that my dog's Luxating Patella will not need surgery?

2 485


UTI help in male dog?

4 485


Pet Insurance for Dog - Is there a comparison Site?

4 485


how much benadryl would I give a 8 lb dog to sedate?

4 485


How much do you pay for your doberman monthy?Yearly?

  • 3l3
  • 7577
3 485


My vet prescribed my 5 month old kitten Metacam Oral after surgery. Is this OK?

2 485


What kind of dog food is reccomended for yeast infection?

3 485

branden 3283

How do you get rid of brown dog ticks in the house.?

1 485

a l e x

is it possible for a puppy to have parvo without running a temperature?

2 485


What is the problem with my cat's heart?

  • 4110
  • 8072
2 485


what is the strangest way your dog has let you know that something is wrong, with him/her?

1 485


How much would it cost to feed an adult labrador retreiver?

  • 8377
  • 4529
3 485


What do vets usually do in a vet clinic?

3 485


why did my dog start pissing in the house?

3 485

branden 0232

if i found a lump on my dogs back, what does it mean?

  • 4716
  • 2020
3 485


Any good places to bring my dog swimming where there's a dock?

1 485