General Dog Discussions

General Discussions Related to Dogs


Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

The top of my dog's eyes are lighter than the rest of the eye. Is she going blind? Know anything I can do?

4 498

a l e x 6740

My family dog needs surgery and we can't affort it! Anyone have any ideas?

5 498


How do I know if a dog has completely recovered from coccidia?

3 498


Are there any breeds of dogs which do not have problems with foxweed?

2 498

Wlfin 2826

Is it possible that my dog may have a foxtail in him?

2 498

a gal and her dog1462

How much would it cost to fly my parrot to the UK?

2 498


What antibiotic did your vet give your dog for parvo?

3 498


How exactly does dentabone clean a dog's teeth? Or greenies?

3 498


Dog may need hip surgery where the leg is only hanging by muscle. Has your dog have this procedure?

  • 1903
  • 1135
4 498


My pitbull of 7 mths is having gland problems (only the glands located under the right jaw).?

2 498

Dr Med Vet Kitty

How can I tell if my Shepherd is pregnant without a trip to the vet?

1 498


What is good for bringing dog hair back?

2 498


Is it possible for a dog to chew on a bone too much?

3 498


How can I get my dog to go outside again?

  • 7985
  • 8970
1 498


Is it normal for a dog to be sleepy after a rabies shot?

  • 0480
  • 3421
1 498


What To Do When My Dogs Eye Is Bleeding?

3 498


How can I stop my dog from scratching an irritation from an old flea bite?

4 498


Anyone familiar with eye problems in small dogs?

3 498

Animal Luver Always

how much is cherry eye repair for a dog?

1 498

180SX Silvia

BEWARE of what you feed your pets!?

3 498

adopt from a shelter