What bugs you the MOST in the dog section?

Alright, let's hear some well-earned complaints. After answering/seeing so many questions, what bothers you the most here in the dog section? Which questions drive you insane?People who refuse to provide medical care?Wannabe breeders?People who insist…

    What bugs you the MOST in the dog section?

    Alright, let's hear some well-earned complaints. After answering/seeing so many questions, what bothers you the most here in the dog section? Which questions drive you insane?People who refuse to provide medical care?Wannabe breeders?People who insist…...
    General Dog Discussions : What bugs you the MOST in the dog section?...

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    • What bugs you the MOST in the dog section?

      What bugs you the MOST in the dog section? General Dog Discussions
      Alright, let's hear some well-earned complaints. After answering/seeing so many questions, what bothers you the most here in the dog section? Which questions drive you insane?People who refuse to provide medical care?Wannabe breeders?People who insist that 'teacup' dogs are healthy dogs?Those who insist that their mutt is a new, rare breed?I think we all know that there are MANY things here in the dog section to choose from, so pick the ones that bother you the most!

      What bugs you the MOST in the dog section?

      What bugs you the MOST in the dog section? General Dog Discussions
    • By far, people who say their dog is sick or injured but do not get it medical care immediately. It's a living creature for goodness sake!Next up is the wannabe breeders- an animal is not something to be used as a breeding machine or to make a profit.Irresponsible people.I had to stop coming to the Pet section for a while because I was sickened by irresponsible people saying their animal was injured/ill but they can't get to the vet.Really the worst thing is the people who ask questions and then when they get a response they don't want- they message you telling you how rude you are because you gave an educated answer. Well, sorry I'm honest but some people on here just shouldn't own pets!

    • people that insults others on this sitepeople that dont really offer any advice but just their opinionpeople that are close minded people on here that need to get of their high stools

    • I think that (while I don't come here often) people who blatently have no clue.I know we are all cluecless on some things ( or we wouldn't be here)...but sometimes I see things and want to go snatch the dog up.I do like the fact that there are so many people here who do care....and some that make me feel "not so nuts" about my dog!

    • 1. People who refuse to provide medical care CHECK2. Wannabe breeders/mixed breeders CHECK3. People who insist on teacups CHECK4. Mutts..rare breed CHECK5. People who ask "my dog is pregnant..what now?" CHECK6. People who refuse to spay/neuter their animals CHECKUGH!!!!!! YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!! >.<That's my well earned complaints. :]

    • The first!At least with wannabe breeders there is a chance of converting/educating themSame with the third and fourth although it could get annoyingI've decided to not let it bug me like it used to, just give them the right advice and move onx

    • Personally, I hate it when people look to breed pit bulls on here. I am a loving pittie mom who adopted my dog from a shelter. I wish I could have taken them all home! There are so many pits in shelters due to people breeding a dog that not many people want to properly care for. So I guess that's what bothers me the most. Oh, and unless you are going to show your dog professionally, adopt a pet and save a life!

    • How about all of the above. The people who won't provide medical care for their animal peeves me off the most. Sorry, but if you can't provide ALL care for your animal, emergency or not, you shouldn't own animals. You wouldn't let your kid go around pooping out blood or walking around with a broken arm, so why do people let their pets do the same thing. How is child care affordable but not for your pet?

    • lol i think you've picked all of mine. those make me nuts! espeically the i can't take my dog to the vet one! but one you didn't mention is the can i dye my dog's hair, paint her nails, or how do i train her to be carried around in a purse. i want to look cool like everyone else...............it's the paris hilton syndrome that bothers me too.

    • hmmm, hard to pin point. Worst by far is people refusing to provide medical care for their animals. We all know stuff happens, but you really should expect unexpected vet bills if your going to be a responsible pet owner.What really bugs me about asking a dog questions...Is when I have a legitimate problem and people are so rude saying I'm a bad pet owner because I follow some good advice.

    • We'll let me look into my crystal ball and let me tell you if yourdog is ok, or what you should do.............go to the vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!geez............how hard is that.also, people that ask questions to dog lovers that are fake, like I injured my dog..........what should I do?I think my dog is pregnant what should I do? etc etcWannabe breeders.......... Medical careOH YEAH People that want to get a dog for free, and don't realize that pets are not free even after you get one.

    • "Will a pitbull bite my baby?" I HATE seeing questions about Pitbulls and their "aggressiveness, locking jaws, etc.." They are a breed of dog, and are super friendly if raised correctly, so get over it.

    • The people who get angry with you when you give them sensible, non-aggressive advice... after they asked for it.I can understand some of the uneducated people here (some are just stupid, I admit), but when they come here with the hopes of gaining knowledge, you wouldn't think they'd start cussing the people who share their knowledge.