What part of a dogs body should a shot of Adequan be administered?

I have just started my German Shepherd on the medicine/drug Adequan. His Vet told me to give the shot down by the waist about and 1-1 1/2 inches from his spine. A written vet source online says in the haunches. A friend's vet told her between the…

    What part of a dogs body should a shot of Adequan be administered?

    I have just started my German Shepherd on the medicine/drug Adequan. His Vet told me to give the shot down by the waist about and 1-1 1/2 inches from his spine. A written vet source online says in the haunches. A friend's vet told her between the…...
    General Dog Discussions : What part of a dogs body should a shot of Adequan be administered?...

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    • What part of a dogs body should a shot of Adequan be administered?

      What part of a dogs body should a shot of Adequan be administered? General Dog Discussions
      I have just started my German Shepherd on the medicine/drug Adequan. His Vet told me to give the shot down by the waist about and 1-1 1/2 inches from his spine. A written vet source online says in the haunches. A friend's vet told her between the shoulder blades. I don't want to waste a drop of this medicine. Does anyone know anymore than I?

      What part of a dogs body should a shot of Adequan be administered?

      What part of a dogs body should a shot of Adequan be administered? General Dog Discussions
    • I would listen to your vets instructions because after all they know your dog better from previous treatment, right? If you are still unsure call your vet and see if they can show you, or give you alternative locations to give the shot.

    • ive always been told the neck on most shots. but there on are some shots that my vet gives in the hindquarters. so you definitely need to check with your vet. he may have told you to inject in a certain spot for a reason.