Which is a better guard dog?

Also, which dog would also be able to care of itself better if it came into contact with a coyote or other wild animal. Airedale Terrier or Standard Schnauzer?

    Which is a better guard dog?

    Also, which dog would also be able to care of itself better if it came into contact with a coyote or other wild animal. Airedale Terrier or Standard Schnauzer?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Which is a better guard dog?...

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    • Which is a better guard dog?

      Which is a better guard dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      Also, which dog would also be able to care of itself better if it came into contact with a coyote or other wild animal. Airedale Terrier or Standard Schnauzer?

      Which is a better guard dog?

      Which is a better guard dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • They are both very small dogs. Although they have a loud bark, they would be eaten by a coyote easily unfortunately. They will also not stop a burglar during a break-in. Good guard dogs/ dogs that would stand a fight with a coyote would be a German Shepherd, Pit bull, a Great Dane and any others in the "large dog family". Best of luck to you, and remember to adopt and give a lonely pet a better life! Tyler.

    • Watch dog i would have to go with the pit bull even though they are very sweet people just fear them because of the breed and they can hold there own against wild animals since they are used for bear and boar hunting as well

    • If you like those two breeds you might also look at the Black Russian Terrier. It was developed by the Soviet Union for the armed forces. http://www.akc.org/breeds/black_russian_terrier/index.cfmI believe both the Airdale and Schnauzer are cunning and capable dogs.

    • None of what you mentioned. German Shepherds, Dobermans and Rottweilers would be your pick for a guard dog and able to handle itself against coyotes etc. Size is a factor in this. Each one of the dogs I mentioned are quick studies and they're also a social animal. There is no coyote that can over come any of these dogs in battle, due to their size and strength. All are intelligent and can be easily trained. I hope that I have been of some help to you.Everett

    • Apparently you are looking for a medium sized dog, that has minimal shedding and can provide some protection. Both are good guard/watch dogs. The airedale wins in overall protection ability because contrary to what many people think they are a pretty good sized dog and are very strong and athletic. You can even get a female and she would probably have enough size for what you want. On the other hand female Standards are too small and average only about 30-35lbs. Males can get up to 50lbs but most will be closer to about 40lbs. Almost all breeders of Standards are show breeders and only a few actually breed for any sort of performance activity. So what you get out of a Standard is a nice looking show dog that doesn't have the proven ability to do anything accept walk around a show ring. The Standard Schnauzer is a really barky dog and there is nothing you can do to prevent this. They bark at the air just for the hell of it. The only plus size if that you would be warned of a potential intruder before they even got to the side walk. With the airdale an intruder would probably make it to the lawn. Both are pretty effective in the warning aspect, but the Airdale is less like to bark at every little thing. Both of these breeds are very smart, but at the same time they are stubborn, which makes them more diffcult to train than some other breeds. Although the Standard Schnauzer is not a terrier, it has about the same personality as one. Both of these breeds are very high energy so make sure you are ready for a non-stop dog. You should go with the Airedale, they are a more rough and ready dog and have more size to back up there attitude.