What is the best kind of "family" dog?

I have 3 children under the age of 4 and I was wondering what is the best kind of dog to adopt. I am not a big animal lover, but I am willing to put it aside for my kids.

    What is the best kind of "family" dog?

    I have 3 children under the age of 4 and I was wondering what is the best kind of dog to adopt. I am not a big animal lover, but I am willing to put it aside for my kids....
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best kind of "family" dog?...

    • I would say shih tzu. They are very gentle around children and easy going. They do not shed and love to be loved

    • I think the best dog their is, is a Newfoundland! But they get anywhere from 150 to 200 lbs! They are known as the gentle giants! They have the greatest temperament their very laid back! And have almost a mothering instinct with children! They are #1 to me! Their are records all over the world of toddlers taking their first steps holding onto these dogs! But other popular family dogs are Golden Retrivers, Labradors, Beagles! You should try to avoid very small dogs with small children they can be easily broken. Also they are known to nip if they are handled to roughly! But unless you are planning buying a purebred you'd be better off checking out your local pound or rescue! They can usually tell you is the dogs are good with children and how their temperaments are! Good Luck and do A LOT of research first! Don't settle, you don't want end up with a dog that gets agrivated with your children and bites them! Here's some good links on dogs good with children!

    • Mutt, definately a mutt. I would check your local shelter for a middle age dog, that was surrendered by its ownebecause they had to move or something, that way youll be able to get back ground on the dog. Lots of people think that labs make the best family pet, but they forget that labs are incredibly active dogs that need lots of excercise and play, with 3 small children who arent really capable of taking care of a dog or themselves i dont know how much time you will be able to devote to that, especially since you dont really like dogs anyway.

    • I personally suggest a Strafordshire Terrior. It is otherwise known as a Pit Bull. I know it may not sound like a good suggestion because of it's bad rep, but the only reason they have the bad rep is because those dogs had bad owners. My husband and I own a Pit Bull and she is the sweetest dog you will meet. She loves everyone. She is also very protective of my husband and me when she feels that we are threatened. I know of one that was rescued from an abusive owner that made her fight. Her owners home was being robbed, she didn't make any noise while they were in the house, but by the time they realized there was a dog in the house it was too late, she wouldn't let them out the door. She never attacked them, she just sat there and watched them. But I don't think that Pit Bull's are bad dogs they just get it from bad owners. A good owner makes a well behaved dog.

    • A lot of people here are going to tell the breed of dog they have is the best dog for kids, well a lot of them are wrong. You need to research the many different breeds and make an educated decision on what you think is the best breed for you and your families lifesyle. AKC has a web site with descriptions of all recognized breeds of dog. AKC.org You could also read a few books like Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds, or Idiots Guide to Chosing, Buying and Raising a Dog.If properly trained and embraced as a beloved member of the family, any breed can make a great pet. With that said, some dogs are seen as more “kid-friendly” than others and, as a result, have become extremely popular among families. According to the AKC, the five most popular breeds in the United States are:Labrador Retrievers are by far America’s most popular dog—more than 140,000 Lab puppies were registered last year with the AKC—and have a reputation for being playful, hardworking and affectionate toward children. The Lab is easily trained and is highly respected for his prowess at many jobs: as a guide dog for the disabled, a search-and-rescue dog, and for narcotics detection.Golden Retrievers are sporty, easy to train and strong, but their most outstanding trait is character. They are outgoing and devoted companions to people of all ages, happy and trusting. They make great hunting companions, too.German Shepherd are noble in appearence and character. This breed's courage, steadfast heart, and keen senses have endeared him to families for generations. Active and outdoorsy, German Shepherds are very fond of children and make wonderful companions.Beagles love being around people and other animals. They are gentle, happy companions who thrive on affection and attention. They are also clever, quick, and, most of all curious. They need plenty of active exercise.Dachshund has a lively, upbeat personality—spunky, curious and friendly. Originally bred to hunt badgers, Dachshund’s love to dig, romp and run. They are affectionate, especially with children, and enjoy going for walks and other forms of exerciseYou should do your research before you bring any animal into your home. If breed is not a concern you could adopt a dog or puppy from your local pound or shelter. The dog would be a lot cheaper then a mix, it will already have been spayed or neutered and vaccination would also be given. A dog your is a responsiblity for the rest of its life and should not be bought on impulse. I would also recommend that you really think about whether or not you should get a dog because YOU are going to be the one that is going to end up with all the dog responsibilities.

    • Any dog can be the best dog there is but it depends on you. Dogs are not toys and should never be treated as human. If you are not into having a dog, I mean ready to do what the dog needs (walks, food, water, shelter, vet bills, shots, obedience, etc.), both you and the dog will suffer.The first objective is to learn as much as possible about dogs as far as what THEY need; then they will deeply enrich your life and the lives of your children.

    • then you definately want a cairn terrier and they are absoloutly fabulous around kids . I had one for 11 yrs and they are the smartest and best house dog and they are good watchdogs too. They do bark but only when someone comes around they do not know . please investigate this breed and I think you will be very happy I would not pay over 600/00 though cause that is about the general price . I still miss mine . she died last year at age 11. good luck and I hope I helped.

    • I had a golden Retriever and it was calm never in it's life bit anyone or growled. But not i have a carin terrier (the same kind of dog as Todo from the Wizard of Oz) and she is a very good family dog