how can i prove to my parents that i can take care of a dog?

i want a dog sooooo bad that im fighting my parents over it.

    how can i prove to my parents that i can take care of a dog?

    i want a dog sooooo bad that im fighting my parents over it....
    General Dog Discussions : how can i prove to my parents that i can take care of a dog?...

    • how can i prove to my parents that i can take care of a dog?

      how can i prove to my parents that i can take care of a dog? General Dog Discussions
      i want a dog sooooo bad that im fighting my parents over it.

      how can i prove to my parents that i can take care of a dog?

      how can i prove to my parents that i can take care of a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • get a book and write a outline on how to take care and train a pup. its a long shot. or even better get them to watch sappy movies about cute puppies with a young boy

    • You stop fighting with parents and start being very responsible to prove that U are able to take care of a dog. If this does not work, wait until U grow up or buy yourself a cat/hamster/mouse/bird.

    • oh..hmmm well start doing chores with out being asked,dont expect to get paid for them either just hope that they notice. you could get a little job like mowing lawns and what not so you can pay for puppy food and all of its needs. some dogs are easly trained adn some are not, you can do some researcha nd let you parents know how you plan to take care of it and train it, the worst thing to have in a family is a dog thats out of control.

    • I had the same problem kind of. I REALLY wanted a bird. A big one. But I couldn't prove to my parents that i would take really good care of it, o i just bought a parakeet. I think it would be best to start small ( i know, that' a big pain), but that's what i think would prove your "dedication". Make deals with them, don't just beg. Ask them HOW you can prove it to them. Good Luck!

    • The same problem happened with me a few monthes ago. I wanted a dog so badly, and my parents finally got me one. I would ask for a smaller pet first like a fish or a hamster and prove that you can take care of that.

    • stop fighting and keep your room clean and do chores around the house... if you can keep up on your room and chores then they will prolly give in and maybe strike a deal like if you can keep your room and chores done and homework than after a certian number of weeks or so you can get a dog.its all about the proving of yourself being "responcible" in thier eyes doing thease things might not only prove you are responcible but mature as well

    • Show that you are responsible. Do things without being asked to do them. clean your room, do the dishes, take out the trash, pick up after yourself and others. Proving that you are responsible lets them know that you are ready to take on more. Just don't expect them to give in over night. It might take some time.

    • Pretend you've already got one and do all the things you would if you had one, that way they will see if you are neglecting going for walks, cleaning up etc etcYeah I know it sounds stupid but it worked with our daughterand we have had a border coliie for 7 years now.

    • buy a stuffed animal (i know this sounds silly) and treat it like a real dog. Feed and "walk" it. Play with it. Show your parents you CAN Be responsible.good luck!

    • My aunt made my cousin get up every day and take the leash (by itself) outside and walk around the block to show him what it would be like if he had a dog. I know it sounds odd, but that's just half of what's in taking care of a pet. Feeding them, walking them, grooming them, keeping them healthy. It's a lot of work, but that's a start. If you don't want to be that extreme with it, try borrowing a dog bowl and trying to remember to fill it every day and such, maybe that'll prove to them you're responsible.Hope that helped.

    • Prove that you can do things with out being asked. They probably think they will wind up having to do stuff for the dog that you forgot. I'm assuming your a kid so I would say keep your room tidy. Load the dishwasher. Vacuum the house...Show them how responsible you are. Don't do anything you'll get in trouble for. They will be so proud of you they will think you really deserve the dog...and you will for being such a great kid. Good luck!!

    • by taking good care of your self,you will not only show them that you can take care of a dog,,you show them that you can even take care of a lion. trust is very important in each case of life. trust your self ,and be so good that others trust you as well as you trust your self. lolgood luck