What to do if my Puppy is not eating and just passed bloody stool?

My black Lab puppy was a frisky and lively girl. This past weekend she stop eating..Took her to get shots today and the vet gave her a dewormer,b12 and antibiotic. Tonight my baby pup passed a pool of smelly bloody stool with little strings in it.. The…

    What to do if my Puppy is not eating and just passed bloody stool?

    My black Lab puppy was a frisky and lively girl. This past weekend she stop eating..Took her to get shots today and the vet gave her a dewormer,b12 and antibiotic. Tonight my baby pup passed a pool of smelly bloody stool with little strings in it.. The…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do if my Puppy is not eating and just passed bloody stool?...

    • What to do if my Puppy is not eating and just passed bloody stool?

      What to do if my Puppy is not eating and just passed bloody stool? General Dog Discussions
      My black Lab puppy was a frisky and lively girl. This past weekend she stop eating..Took her to get shots today and the vet gave her a dewormer,b12 and antibiotic. Tonight my baby pup passed a pool of smelly bloody stool with little strings in it.. The one plus is she is drinks alot of water and walks around her room every now and then what should I do? I read something about given pups pedilyte is that good?Thank you for your helpful answers and prayers but Im sadly to annouce my baby (Raven Brown) Passed at 10:45am on 3/6/07. She was a loving Black Lab pup and I will truly miss my baby....I have never loved a pet as much as I loved her and she will be missed dearly. Again Thank youSincerely,

      What to do if my Puppy is not eating and just passed bloody stool?

      What to do if my Puppy is not eating and just passed bloody stool? General Dog Discussions
    • GO TO YOUR VET RIGHT AWAY. You never know if your puppy could have a serious problem. And even if it is something not serious, it never hurts to have an extra check up!

    • If she were my dog, I'd be withholding all food and giving only water or plain pedialyte and calling my vet ASAP. Save a stool sample in a small plastic resealable bag so the vet can do an analysis on it. The stool DOES sound as though it contained worms, but there shouldn't be blood. Needles can make them feel "blah" and not want to eat...but again, the blood is what worries me at this point.I hope she is ok, let us know what the vet says!

    • Bloody stool is NEVER normal. Always take your pup to the vet as soon as u encounter a problem. Don't wait for the problem to correct itself, it could very well be something dangerous. Take your pup to the vet immediately. Even bring a stool sample if you can. The strings may be ur puppy actually passing worms after the dewormer. But as far as the bloody stool, u really need to get ur pup in asap.

    • The "strings" are worms. Read up some books they'll tell you that some worms look like strings attached to your dog.But just to be on the safe side...call a vet.

    • Blood in the stool is never a good sign and it tells you that there is something wrong. Drinking a lot of water is also another sign that something is wrong. I strongly recommend you take her to the vet. In the meantime, I think Pedialyte is ok for her to drink, but as long as she is eating and not having diarrea, she doesn't really need it. Pedialyte gives the body back the electrolytes it loses when the body has diarrea. I would just take her to the vet and see what s/he recommends.

    • my puppy had that too, years ago.. could be because of the worms, but it could also be alot more serious than that, i took him to the vet and she gave him some medicine.. it was something with his intestines.

    • I definately think you need to tak eyour puupy to the vet ASAP.It sounds like it could be the worms causing the problem, but you should get her checked out. Info below might be helpful.Signs of Whipworm InfectionLight infections of whipworms are difficult to diagnose, but they can lead to more serious problems. Large numbers of whipworms irritate the lining of your pet's intestine, causing weight loss and pain. Watery, bloody stools may result. Severe infections can cause life-threatening dehydration and anemia. Whipworms are not dangerous to humans.Hope this helps, and she gets better soon!

    • This really sounds like worms to me. Even though she's dewormed since the weekend, she will probably pass the worms for a few more days. What do the strings look like? If the look like spaghetti, then they are probably round worms (toxacara), if they look like fettuccine, then they are tapeworms. I'm not trying to be gross, but you should find out if the de-wormer she was given treated the right worm (not all de-wormers kill tapeworms). As for the blood, if her vaccines are up to date, then it is probably a reaction to the parasites. She's going to feel funny, and not eat because of the worms, pedilyte is ok, but really try to get her to eat some dog food (canned, warm it up and spoon feed if necessary. If she is still ill after a few days, call the vet.Good luck with her!

    • If I was you, I would call the pet hospital to see if this is a symptom that needs to be checked into right away. Last year one of our family members got a cocker spaniel puppy that was really active, then one day shortly after the dog stopped eating and started vomitting and passing bloody loose stools. He was so weak and just layed around. He was taken to the vet and was told to go to the Animal Hospital since the puppy contracted Parvo. It is a very serious disease that can take the puppies life real quick from dehydration. He had to go on antibiotics and was hooked up to an IV. He got in just in time and recovered quickly after being hospitalized for a few days. It was very scary and I don't want that to happen to you. Also it can be very costly $1500 - $2000. Please call to make sure she doesn't need to be seen ASAP. I wish you the best and your puppy.