What are signs that the bloody diahrrea is getting better?

Been to the vet 2x. Vet said "irritation" of GI tract, and wait a couple days unless dog gets worse or in pain. Blood is changing from bright red to brown. Is that a sign of healing? Also, it's not as frequent.

    What are signs that the bloody diahrrea is getting better?

    Been to the vet 2x. Vet said "irritation" of GI tract, and wait a couple days unless dog gets worse or in pain. Blood is changing from bright red to brown. Is that a sign of healing? Also, it's not as frequent....
    General Dog Discussions : What are signs that the bloody diahrrea is getting better?...

    • What are signs that the bloody diahrrea is getting better?

      What are signs that the bloody diahrrea is getting better? General Dog Discussions
      Been to the vet 2x. Vet said "irritation" of GI tract, and wait a couple days unless dog gets worse or in pain. Blood is changing from bright red to brown. Is that a sign of healing? Also, it's not as frequent.

      What are signs that the bloody diahrrea is getting better?

      What are signs that the bloody diahrrea is getting better? General Dog Discussions
    • I don't know if I like your vets answer. Is your dog over 7 years? My GF had a mini Schnauzer, and in Winter of 08-09 it had some bloody, mucousy diahhrea. We gave it eggs, then a little white rice, and took him to the vet, who said nothing. Several months later, the dog started drinking copiuous amounts of water, and passed some bloody stool again. We took him to the vet in December of 2010 and he had to be put down. He had diabetes and liver cancer. He was only 8 yers old. Mini Schnauzers are prone to those disorders.