how do i get my dog to go into his new dog house?

hes a golden retriever and i just bought him a new igloo dog house, XL. its cold and he wont go in. ive tried to shove him in but he just comes back out.

    how do i get my dog to go into his new dog house?

    hes a golden retriever and i just bought him a new igloo dog house, XL. its cold and he wont go in. ive tried to shove him in but he just comes back out....
    General Dog Discussions : how do i get my dog to go into his new dog house?...

    • how do i get my dog to go into his new dog house?

      how do i get my dog to go into his new dog house? General Dog Discussions
      hes a golden retriever and i just bought him a new igloo dog house, XL. its cold and he wont go in. ive tried to shove him in but he just comes back out.

      how do i get my dog to go into his new dog house?

      how do i get my dog to go into his new dog house? General Dog Discussions
    • Does the dog have a favorite blanket or pillow? You can try putting that in there. It might be a comfort issue. We line our kennel caves with wood shavings. It's easy cleanup when gets wet and also keeps the doggy warm.

    • during the day, go out side and go in front of the dog house. give him a treat.a little later, do over and put a treat right in the dog house.keep doing this, and move slowly all the way to the back of the dog house.

    • Take some of his toys and some treats in it and go inside and call him in with you. Sit in there with him awhile until he gets use to it and knows its for him. Don't forget to put some straw in it to help insulate it.

    • Put his favorite toys, and things that may remind him of you, or his previous dog house into it such as an old sweatshirt that smells like you etc. It also helps if you gradually introduce him to, and intregrate him into the new house, hour by hour day by day.

    • You'll have to sleep with him in there for the first few nights...If you get in a really bad fight with your mate...This is your chance to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak...

    • Is he chained up near the house or is the house just in a fenced in yard? Also, since it is new he may be scared of the scents that are accompanied by it. Putting a blanket or stuffed animal with his scent on it inside the house as well as his food and water if you can. If he feels really close to you (and if its big enough) you could try getting into it with him... sounds silly, but like children they follow by example.

    • Hang pin-ups of his favorite dog models.There are so many calendar "girls" out there, he should want to spend a lot of private time in his new digs.If he likes art.......hang that there as well.Put his favorite blankie or toy in his new mansion. You can even crawl in there and snuggle w/him to show him that it is a place of comfort, not punishment.

    • dude its cold! do you want to be shoved in a cold bath or shower i dont think so.put some blankets or a comfy cushion in it, something to help keep him warm and when hes in it make him feel relaxed and give him treats. dont push and shove him, it will only make him resist more and you will stress him out

    • I had your same problem a while back, I can tell you this: Don't shove. He'll make up his own mind when he's ready. But I do suggest putting an old blanket in the house sometimes that helps. And when he does go into the house, give him a treat, you want it to be a good thing. Or maybe your dog's not as cold as you think. Dogs have two layers of fur and lots of natural oils to keep them warm.

    • Is it outside ? If it is its cold out there.Bring the dog in the houseto keep warm.Most people don't keep their dogs outside anymore anyway.Dogs these days are part of the family nowand if you have neighbors its really rude because dogs bark all night and keep the neighbors awake.Bring the dog inside andlet the dog be a part of the family.Another thing is dogs don't like to be alone.They want to be with you their family.

    • Does he sleep on A blanket or rug ? if so, put his favorite one in there.Throw his favorite toy in there as A game during the dayallow him to go in and out several times during the gameDo not force him in he may be afraid you are going to close him in there , many dogs do not like being "crated" and pushing him in there can scare him more of going in.He needs to feel that he is in control of being able to go in or out.Treats tossed in may also work , just remember he has to be the one to discover that when he goes in he also can come out so stay back away A little bit and just toss the treat in, when he comes out give him another outside then trow another in repeat till he becomes comfortable with the idea.Good luck