How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?

I have always cringed at the site of outside dogs they are either free roaming, tied up with a crappy dog house for cover or in a kennel all day and night. If you own a dog and keep him outside morning noon and night, why even own a dog anyway! They are…

    How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?

    I have always cringed at the site of outside dogs they are either free roaming, tied up with a crappy dog house for cover or in a kennel all day and night. If you own a dog and keep him outside morning noon and night, why even own a dog anyway! They are…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?...

    • I completely agree with you. When I was a kid we had large dogs, during the day they would run in the fenced yard then at night would come in to sleep with us kids. We always treat our animals like one of the family because they are.

    • A dog is made to be outside! I feel more sorry for these dogs that are cooped up all day long inside a boring house while their owners are at work! A dog has a fury coat, like 'a wild animal' and therefore is designed for the out doors. Unless the dog has been brought up from being a pup in doors and is used to the central heating then its cruel, but as i said before, it has a fury coat! Unless the owner has had that shaved off for a dog show or something, but that's another discussion.

    • I have 5 dogs and live in the country. All of them are inside dogs. Dogs want to be part of the "pack", meaning the family the dog is with. If they are seperated from that, they are not happy. A dog wants to be where you are not tied to a tree outside all the time. I have worked with abandoned and abused animals all my life (about30 years). I will NEVER understand WHY people treat God's creatures so badly. Life is life no matter what form it comes in. We were put here to TAKE CARE of that life not destroy it. Some people go around talking about how religious they are or how spiritual they are yet they abuse thier animals. The most religious or spiritual thing you can do is take care of the life that God has given us. Not just our lives but all lives that he put in our care.

    • I own a dog and she is normally outside from early in teh morning to very late at night. She is primarily an outdoor dog. And she is one of the happiest, healthiest dogs you could meet. She is a retired sled dog and is NOT happy cooped up in the house. She does not serve as a burglar alarm...she'd lick them to death before she'd harm them.You are imposing your needs on what a dog's actual needs are. Dogs need food, clean water, shelter and companionship of a pack. If a pet dog has access to all of those things along with regular vet care and kept in a contained area that other animals can not get into, their needs ARE being met. Just because that type of life would not make you happy, does not mean the dog is miserable.

    • If you cannot keep your dog inside, then dont have a dog. My heart goes out to any dog that I see tied up, we never tie our dogs up. its not safe and unless you are specifially watching them while they are tied up for their own safety for a short amount of time, keep the rope OFF. Dogs have been domesticated for our companions, and unless they are certain breeds, like huskys, malamutes, etc that were bred for such a life, dogs should spend time inside with their owners and made a part of the family and even the hardy dogs listed above heed quality time with their owners.Why have one if you are gonna just ignore them? They give unconditional love to the owners.