Do any of you keep your dogs outside all year in cold weather?

If so what are ways you use to keep them warm.Right now i keep a 40 watt heat bulb in her dog house and check often that its not to hot. its a well insulated dog house with a window so i can see her when i look out and she also has a heated water dish.

    Do any of you keep your dogs outside all year in cold weather?

    If so what are ways you use to keep them warm.Right now i keep a 40 watt heat bulb in her dog house and check often that its not to hot. its a well insulated dog house with a window so i can see her when i look out and she also has a heated water dish....
    General Dog Discussions : Do any of you keep your dogs outside all year in cold weather?...

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    • Do any of you keep your dogs outside all year in cold weather?

      Do any of you keep your dogs outside all year in cold weather? General Dog Discussions
      If so what are ways you use to keep them warm.Right now i keep a 40 watt heat bulb in her dog house and check often that its not to hot. its a well insulated dog house with a window so i can see her when i look out and she also has a heated water dish.

      Do any of you keep your dogs outside all year in cold weather?

      Do any of you keep your dogs outside all year in cold weather? General Dog Discussions
    • Yep, even in sub zero and they are fine. I have large dog houses packed with grass hay, and an overhang that they can go in and out of which is also packed with grass hay. I've climbed in there and they are toasty warm! No heat lamps either. I do keep a water heater in their water trough so the water doesn't freeze...but they are fine.

    • I have a 110 lb Rottweiler that I don't leave outside for more than 30 minutes at a time. They are pack animals and want to be with their pack while sleeping. That is how they stay warm.

    • i would feel horrible cuz shes so Sweet and it says in the legal contract she must be kept inside.if u do the dog should be fine cuz my friend has 2 bunnies and they are outside in the snow when recently it was almost 10 degrees bellow zero and they are still alive

    • My three have stayed out all winter.I provide a shelter out of the elements, keep food and water available at all times. It is not wise to keep changing the temperature cause this could throw their natural adaption to the cold out of wacko. As long as they acclimate they are fine. If they get too warm during the winter they will start to throw their coats, so I don't even bring them in the house. I go out to them.

    • no cuz i only have a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian.but if i had big dogs i wouldn't keep them outside they get too lonely even though the have a lot of toys to play with or another dog with me keeping them outside is mean.

    • i have 3 dogs that live outside they have a huge kennel that has tarps on a couple of places that i notice the wind comes in. the bottom of the kennel has 2 high bales of straw around the entire base of it and there is a tarp on 1/3 of the top where they can get out of the sun or the rain. their doghouse lookes like a condo cause they sleep together and so it is cozier for them i also cook a warm meal for them from the time the temperature gets below 45 degrees F and when it drops down past 40 degrees they come in to the basement where they all have their own beds and spaces. Also during rain storms or lightening they come inside. Plus their kennel is meshed in the trees so they have pleenty of shade and protection from the elements.

    • What your doing sounds pretty good except for the light bald. Dogs are very curious and one day she might burn herself. I keep my dog indoors all year around. She's a house dog. If you insist on keeping her outside buy her a dog bed so she could lay on instead of the floor so that it could keep her warm. I hope that this is a big dog where talking about and not a little one. Big dogs are more tolerent to cold weather then little ones. And to you Sierramis, what is the difference letting your little dogs inside and you wouldnt alow the big dog inside. Uhh, I think your kinda mean. I have a black labrador and shes a house dog and would not think of putting her out in the cold or the heat.

    • depends on the type of dog and the protection afforded that dog. i've had multiple dogs and some were always in- some out. i had a keeshound we brought in one dreadful winter night who cried and howled until we put her back out. sounds like you are taking care of your dog. hat or straw would help insulate the floor for warmth. blankets tend to get wet and freeze and be very cold.