Where is the best place to buy small apartment dogs in Dhaka, Bangladesh?

I am looking to buy a small apartment dog, like a shih tzu or just any small dog. I went to see a couple dogs a few days ago, they were all Samoyed puppies. They tend to grow just a little too big for my apartment. I need a place where i can buy a small…

    Where is the best place to buy small apartment dogs in Dhaka, Bangladesh?

    I am looking to buy a small apartment dog, like a shih tzu or just any small dog. I went to see a couple dogs a few days ago, they were all Samoyed puppies. They tend to grow just a little too big for my apartment. I need a place where i can buy a small…...
    General Dog Discussions : Where is the best place to buy small apartment dogs in Dhaka, Bangladesh?...

    • Where is the best place to buy small apartment dogs in Dhaka, Bangladesh?

      Where is the best place to buy small apartment dogs in Dhaka, Bangladesh? General Dog Discussions
      I am looking to buy a small apartment dog, like a shih tzu or just any small dog. I went to see a couple dogs a few days ago, they were all Samoyed puppies. They tend to grow just a little too big for my apartment. I need a place where i can buy a small dog in a good place in dhaka. Does anybody have one?

      Where is the best place to buy small apartment dogs in Dhaka, Bangladesh?

      Where is the best place to buy small apartment dogs in Dhaka, Bangladesh? General Dog Discussions
    • DOGS IN AN APPARTMENT OR FLAT, WITHOUT A FENCED GARDEN.Dogs who live in an appartment suffer in many ways, they need free access into a garden/yrad.If you are not on the ground floor and you do not have a fenced garden imagine the problems a puppy or even an older dog will create. Your dog will need to be walked regardless of the weather, it may need to have the mud washed off its coat and then dried. Can you carry a dirty dog up stairs or take it in the lift? Have you somewhere to wash it in your apartment/flat?What do you do when it wants a pee in the middle of the night, Is it safe for you to take it out during the night? Will you mind going out in your nightwear? When your dog wakes up in the morning, it will not cross it legs until you get dressed. Will you again take it downstairs for a pee? In all of this consider the fact that if you are not at home during the day to housetrain your dog it will pee and poo. Have you ever heard a dog cry when it is left alone? If you are at work you will be unaware of this. Have you considered the other tenants and neighbours? they will almost certainly complain, then what. Eventually you may be asked to vacate your apartment/flat and make good the damage before you leave. Have you considered how many landlords will take you and a dog? People part with their dogs every day because they cannot find accommodation. IF YOU LIVE IN A RENTED APARTMENT/FLAT AND YOU INTEND TO LEAVE A DOG ALONE, THINK AGAIN.