How can I hide a small dog in an apartment?

I live in a high rise apartment. They allow pets. I just wont have the pet deposit for another 3 months. Its small and quiet for the most part. normally I wouldnt consider hiding a pet but I want to save from getting put to sleep. btw my neighbors dont…

    How can I hide a small dog in an apartment?

    I live in a high rise apartment. They allow pets. I just wont have the pet deposit for another 3 months. Its small and quiet for the most part. normally I wouldnt consider hiding a pet but I want to save from getting put to sleep. btw my neighbors dont…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I hide a small dog in an apartment?...

    • How can I hide a small dog in an apartment?

      How can I hide a small dog in an apartment? General Dog Discussions
      I live in a high rise apartment. They allow pets. I just wont have the pet deposit for another 3 months. Its small and quiet for the most part. normally I wouldnt consider hiding a pet but I want to save from getting put to sleep. btw my neighbors dont know I havent paid a pet deposit. and I get 24 hours notice if anyone needs to come in.

      How can I hide a small dog in an apartment?

      How can I hide a small dog in an apartment? General Dog Discussions
    • You can't. You will get busted because sooner or later you WILL be seen by someone who works for your landlord/property manager if not them, themselves.Shouldn't have gotten the dog knowing you didn't have money for the fee AND been approved. Borrow the money pay the fee. Its a lot better and cheaper than being caught fined, and possibly having to get rid of the dog and/or being evicted for breaking the terms of your lease.

    • How do you expect to hide a dog? They need walks outdoors, they need bathroom breaks, they bark, and whine. You can't lock a dog indoors for three months.There will be dogs that need to be rescued when you can afford to pay the pet deposit and not have to sneak around with the dog. If you can't afford the pet deposit, you can't afford the vet fees to care for it if it becomes sick or injured.

    • Just borrow the money for the deposit. It's better than risking being evicted for violating the terms of your rent. See if you could pay in installments.

    • For starters you don't try and hide it and couldn't if you wanted to... For one the dog will have to go outside to use the potty and exercise. Two it will prolly make noise. Do the right thing and ask your landlord if you can make payments on the deposit.. Or you AND the dog will be homeless.

    • You can't, You never know when a maintenance has to come in when you are not home.A pipe breaks, water is leaking in to apt below. they don't need your permission to come in, in an emergency.Why risk being evicted.

    • Just act natural. At our last apartment, we had a dog, but I let my parents keep him cuz they really wanted to and we got a new puppy. We didn't even think anything of it since we already paid fee/pet rent. We had maintenance men in and out. Noone thought anything of it and it's not like the dog looks anything like our other one. They didn't find out until I brought it up casually in conversation and found out I was supposed to tell them and give them the new shot recorords. Just get the money asap and say you just got it if they ask.Very cool of you to save a dog from being put down.