An apartment has no fencing, so if i live in a non-fenced up unit could i get a puppy?

Many people that live in apartments own a dog and i heard people saying that u need fencing to get a dog. But an apartment has no fencing. So is it possible to get a puppy even if u live in a non fenced up house?

    An apartment has no fencing, so if i live in a non-fenced up unit could i get a puppy?

    Many people that live in apartments own a dog and i heard people saying that u need fencing to get a dog. But an apartment has no fencing. So is it possible to get a puppy even if u live in a non fenced up house?...
    General Dog Discussions : An apartment has no fencing, so if i live in a non-fenced up unit could i get a puppy?...

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    • An apartment has no fencing, so if i live in a non-fenced up unit could i get a puppy?

      An apartment has no fencing, so if i live in a non-fenced up unit could i get a puppy? General Dog Discussions
      Many people that live in apartments own a dog and i heard people saying that u need fencing to get a dog. But an apartment has no fencing. So is it possible to get a puppy even if u live in a non fenced up house?

      An apartment has no fencing, so if i live in a non-fenced up unit could i get a puppy?

      An apartment has no fencing, so if i live in a non-fenced up unit could i get a puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • If you get an apartment appropriate breed that can live without a fenced yard, and you keep it on a leash at all times when the dog is outside, then yes. It isn't wise to let any dog outside without a leash. I recommend getting a small breed that doesn't need a lot of exercise. It would not be fair to get a large, or even medium breed.

    • You can, but as you have identified, it's far from ideal. And think twice about getting a puppy because they need to go out every hour, after every sleep, every feed and so on early days. If there is no separate fenced area, he can't go outside until he's finished his vaccination shots. This means you are looking at pee pads/newspaper which in turn means you will have a puppy who thinks it's fine to do his biz. indoors, anywhere indoors. If you adopt an older dog, you should be able to avoid these problems. Bringing a dog into an apartments has to be thought about carefully - apart from the peeing and poohing difficulties, there is noise to be considered if you are planning on leaving a dog alone for any time. Personally I'd wait until I had a place with a garden. And does your apartment allow dogs? Many don't.

    • I was on the ground floor apartment in a rural area and had my own door and porch to outside. We did have a dog at that place and had it on a leash. Then we moved to a house with a fully fenced in yard. Let me tell you, it is WAY easier to have a dog with a fenced in yard for several reasons. Not only for potty training, in and out having to put the leash on etc. But safety wise too. I always felt I had to be right there just in case another dog came over or something happened. I still stay close with the fenced in yard but I feel fine walking away for a couple of minutes. Also, the 1 and 4 am potty breaks are so much easier and faster with a fence.You still need to walk your dog and give it exercise no matter if you have a fence or not. I don't think a fence is a substitute for exercise. It does however make it a little easier with everything else. I also have 2 dogs now (used to have 3 before one passed) and it would be a mess to try to have two of them without a fence. They love to play together, so they can be off leash and I know they are safe from other animals, humans and cars.

    • A cat seems to fit that profile best!But if you really wanted one, I would go with a low energy lap dog type breed. As they dont require the yard & a lot of people who live in apartments go with this option.This still does not mean you are excused from taking it on a walk....ALL DOGS REQUIRE EXERCISE, only the Robo dog or the nintendog doesn't :) If you can commit to Exercise, Discipline,structure then affection then yes you can get a dog.

    • Honestly no one can answer this question, only the dog that you get. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you to pick your breed carefully cause I got a high energy breed when I was living in a bedroom of a house. My pup never got to run around the house and was only taken outside for proper potty training reasons. I am a college student who works full time as well. When i'm home I'm relaxing not running around outside. Dogs adapt to their living conditions. My dog found her own way to get her energy out which only during teething time consisted of eating things. Other than that she slept or played with toys. She is a very healthy dog, perfect weight and all. I'm not gonna tell you to adopt instead because I LOVE puppies and totally understand wanting a cute little puppy over an older dog, Also I'm not gonna preach about the noise the dog might make because again dogs are smart, they adapt. If you treat the puppy right it will bond itself to you and learn your ins and outs, do's and don'ts and wants or not wants. My dog never barked, never mad any noise until I moved into my own place and showed her it was ok. Thats how dogs are, it doesn't matter what kind you pick they will adapt to you and your lifestyle. People who assume that you have to take a dog out 4 times a day because they have alot of energy and can only get it out whilst outside, probably also believe that rottweilers and pit bulls are just naturally aggressive.My only word of advice if you are serious about getting a puppy, make sure you are committed to taking it outside every 15 min. for atleast the first 6 months. This way they learn not to go in the home and you won't have a mess so you won't get angry and cause a rift between you and the dog.

    • I did for many years. You do a LOT of walking and there is no break for bad weather, you have a bad cold, etc. You go and do those walks.Also, even though I'm not a big fan of electronic fencing, I know many people who are sucessful with it. It's underground, so nothing to upset the apartment building.