What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy?

I love dogs and looking for a moderate sized dog for my apartment. I don't want a big dog but do want a "guy's" dog. Any suggestions

    What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy?

    I love dogs and looking for a moderate sized dog for my apartment. I don't want a big dog but do want a "guy's" dog. Any suggestions...
    General Dog Discussions : What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy?...

    • What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy?

      What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy? General Dog Discussions
      I love dogs and looking for a moderate sized dog for my apartment. I don't want a big dog but do want a "guy's" dog. Any suggestions

      What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy?

      What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy? General Dog Discussions
    • Go to the local pound and look around. It may take several visits before you find the dog you like, but you will. And for heavens sake don't worry about "guy dogs" vs. "gal dogs" because there really is no such thing - just find one that appeals to you.

    • No offense, but that's a pretty sad reason to choose any breed of dog. There are a lot more important questions to ask yourself before you pick out an animal than, "Am I gonna look macho when I walk KillerFangDevilDog?"How about: Do I have time and room to care for this particular breed? Do I want a dog that's laid back and can spend time by itself, or do I prefer a breed that is more time and work intensive? Do I have allergies that require a dog with low dander, or is a double-coated dog OK? Those questions and others like them are a lot more important than the issue you mentioned -- at least in my opinion, anyway.

    • How big is your apartment? I would recommend an australian shepard if you can be very active with it. However, they really need a yard.A Boston Terrier is a great dog for an apartment. They can be a little rowdy (guys dog there) but are not too overly large & do ok being crate trained & walked.Ever thought about a pug? Getting smaller than the Boston here but these guys are full of personality (can be a bit stubborn). Schnauzer's are very loyal dogs, too, but not sure if you would consider this a guy's dog.I could actually go on & on, but head to your nearest Petco & ask them to see a copy of the "dog bible". It has every breed of dog known to man & can help you on your search. Good luck!

    • Consider a retired ex-racing greyhound. They are not foo-foo dogs, they are moderate in size, very quiet breed, but full of personality. They shed very minimally and virtually no doggie odor. They are intelligent and very loving dogs. They do not require alot of room nor do they need a lot of excercise. They are, however, indoor dogs only and do require being on a lead at all times when not in a completely fenced in area. They are trained to hunt by sight and if they spot a squirrel or a cat they are gone like a shot!

    • well how big is your apartment? are you sure you have enough time and a good place to keep the dog when you are not there? I'd say get an older dog from a shelter- puppies require TOO MUCH attention and can ruin your apartment while in training. Get a mutt. i have found mid-size mutts to be loving and caring dogs. Dont go looking for a 'breed" go looking for a dog with a personality that matches yours. But beagles and bassetts are low maintenance dogs that are not TOO big and wont piss off your landlord. Steer clear of anything mixed with a German Shepard, pit bull or Rottweiler- they are great dogs but alot of landlords wont allow you to have them. Good luck!

    • retriever or lab. They are very very smart, very gentle, good with kids other dogs and over all a very social dog. As far a guard dog, most consider them horrible. But if you ask me any dog that barks at strangers walking near your property, especially if there a larger dog, is an effective guard dog. Both these dogs will do that. Plus there the type if they get loos you don't need to worry about em biting any one.Females are better for males owners b/c dogs always get more attached to the opposite sex of the owner. I must admit they are rather large dogs, but there well worth it if you ask me. P.S. If your single, walk outside with a retriever or lab, and you will see there like girl magnets.

    • If you live in an apartment, where do you plan to let your dog pee? On your couch? Unless you have a yard, I would suggest hold off on the dog untill you have room to make it worth while.