My dog just had diarrhea and seems weak?

My dog had diarrhea and was shaking. The shaking stopped but now he seems weak. Is this an emergency or should I see how he is for the day and then take him to the vet in the morning? Is it possible that he can be weak from the diarrhea or could…

    My dog just had diarrhea and seems weak?

    My dog had diarrhea and was shaking. The shaking stopped but now he seems weak. Is this an emergency or should I see how he is for the day and then take him to the vet in the morning? Is it possible that he can be weak from the diarrhea or could…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog just had diarrhea and seems weak?...

    • My dog just had diarrhea and seems weak?

      My dog just had diarrhea and seems weak? General Dog Discussions
      My dog had diarrhea and was shaking. The shaking stopped but now he seems weak. Is this an emergency or should I see how he is for the day and then take him to the vet in the morning? Is it possible that he can be weak from the diarrhea or could something serious be a factor? It just happened last night and this morning.I gave him half a tablet of Pepto Bismol last night, and half this morning hoping it would help.

      My dog just had diarrhea and seems weak?

      My dog just had diarrhea and seems weak? General Dog Discussions
    • He's weak because he's sick. He also has diarrhea because he's sick. He's your dog, so wait if you want, but most people would get their dog to the vet ASAP rather than waiting for him to get even sicker and dosing with people meds that are never a good idea unless directed by a vet.