Is it ok to bring my cat outside in 90 degree weather for 10 minutes?

Is it? I'll give her plenty of water when we go back inside.90 degrees farenheit <img src="" alt=":)" />

    Is it ok to bring my cat outside in 90 degree weather for 10 minutes?

    Is it? I'll give her plenty of water when we go back inside.90 degrees farenheit <img src="" alt=":)" />...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it ok to bring my cat outside in 90 degree weather for 10 minutes?...

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    • Is it ok to bring my cat outside in 90 degree weather for 10 minutes?

      Is it ok to bring my cat outside in 90 degree weather for 10 minutes? General Dog Discussions
      Is it? I'll give her plenty of water when we go back inside.90 degrees farenheit :)

      Is it ok to bring my cat outside in 90 degree weather for 10 minutes?

      Is it ok to bring my cat outside in 90 degree weather for 10 minutes? General Dog Discussions
    • Mine is outside now watching the birds. Temp will be around 90 today. He knocks on the door when he wants to come back in and cool off. I will leave him out to play all day; he has plenty of food and cool water sitting in the shade where he hangs out plus a birdbath to play in. He also has food and cool water inside the house as well.Your cat should be fine as long as he can find shade to take cover in; under a bush, tree, or under shrubbery.

    • Definately! My male cat(8years) is outdoor/Indoor where he basically comes and goes as he pleases(don't worry, he's neutered) but he stays outside for hours at a time, then comes inside to sprawl out across our tile. We just make sure he has plenty of shade and water.My female cat(1year old) is not fixed yet, so when I take her outside she is always on a leash and I supervise her to keep the toms away. She is only out for a max of like 45 mins a week.The weather in the summer around here is like 99-110 and the coldest in the winter is like 30, but my male stays indoors in the winter.The only reason the male is outdoor at all is because he was a stray when I adopted him 7 years ago and he never quite left the street life, and the girl cat sees him going outside so she wants to go too, which is why I take her on a leash.I have a cowbell hanging from the doorknob on the front&back doors so that when my male wants to come in or go out he rings the bell to tell me to let him in. The girl started ringing it too which it so cute! :PWhen you let cats out offleash, you always run the risk that they won't come home. Sometimes they run away, get hit by cars, attacked by dogs, or by wild animals. Sometimes, crazy teenagers hurt cats too. Just keep that in mind. I just trust the male cause he's 17 pounds of pure muscle and he's come home evry day for the past several years, but I'd NEVER leave my 6 pound female outside alone.