my sister has a terrier mix-breed, is he ok with her 1yr old?

my sister has a terrier mixed breed, and he chews "everything" and sometimes snaps at people and recently tore my hand and arm.. we'r worried that he might harm my 1year old neice. what should we do?

    my sister has a terrier mix-breed, is he ok with her 1yr old?

    my sister has a terrier mixed breed, and he chews "everything" and sometimes snaps at people and recently tore my hand and arm.. we'r worried that he might harm my 1year old neice. what should we do?...
    General Dog Discussions : my sister has a terrier mix-breed, is he ok with her 1yr old?...

    • my sister has a terrier mix-breed, is he ok with her 1yr old?

      my sister has a terrier mix-breed, is he ok with her 1yr old? General Dog Discussions
      my sister has a terrier mixed breed, and he chews "everything" and sometimes snaps at people and recently tore my hand and arm.. we'r worried that he might harm my 1year old neice. what should we do?

      my sister has a terrier mix-breed, is he ok with her 1yr old?

      my sister has a terrier mix-breed, is he ok with her 1yr old? General Dog Discussions
    • never leave him alone with her and whenever he is with her watch him closely [that's if you want to risk him going for her]in the long term you need to train him. enrol him in classes so you get expert advice and mentoringbest of luck

    • Terriers = Terrorsthis dog needs better trainingnot all terriers are bad with people - only those who havent been trained properly.. a bored dog will be destructive..

    • The answer would be no.If you know a dog has a temperament problem, no matter how slight, you should not feel comfortable with it around a 1 year old.Children tend to scream and thrash when they are hurt, whereas adults are more clear headed. Worst case, a nip to the 1 year old could turn into a full blown dog attack.The dog needs to be put through training to curb the behavior before it becomes a serious problem and her only choice is to put the dog down.Good luck....

    • If the dog bit you, then the dog needs to be put down. You can't trust a dog who already has bitten someone to be with anyone who can't defend themselves. You can't give the dog away because it's already bitten someone, and if it takes after someone else and bites them you could be sued.Sorry but all you can do is put the dog to sleep.And yes I know I'm going to get a bunch of thumbs downs for this, but trust me, putting the dog to sleep is better then listening to a plastic surgeon telling you the scars won't show that badly on your niece or even worst praying over her grave.

    • The dog is out of control. You didn't say it was a puppy, and if it was a puppy, it would be puppy biting and time to train it. But I suspect it's not a pup and your sister hasn't learned how to be Alpha Pack Leader and has NO control over the dog. This means the dog is a danger to her AND the child... NOW!If the dog tore your hand and arm, your sister should be paying for your medical treatment. She's responsible financially and legally for ANYONE the dog harms. So, why isn't SHE the one here asking this question? If she doesn't take the dog to obedience school, and train the dog so it stops trying to be the Alpha Pack Leader, then you should report her to the SPCA or Humane Officer for having a dangerous dog.