Does your dog eat Pedigree food?

My 1year old puppy has the puppy pouches and puppy biscuits mixed together and he LOVES it!Does yours like it?Kara-Lynn - my puppy has both..if you didnt read.

    Does your dog eat Pedigree food?

    My 1year old puppy has the puppy pouches and puppy biscuits mixed together and he LOVES it!Does yours like it?Kara-Lynn - my puppy has both..if you didnt read....
    General Dog Discussions : Does your dog eat Pedigree food?...

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    • Does your dog eat Pedigree food?

      Does your dog eat Pedigree food? General Dog Discussions
      My 1year old puppy has the puppy pouches and puppy biscuits mixed together and he LOVES it!Does yours like it?Kara-Lynn - my puppy has both..if you didnt read.

      Does your dog eat Pedigree food?

      Does your dog eat Pedigree food? General Dog Discussions
    • i will not feed my dog wet food, as it it horrible for their teeth! dogs need crunchy food to help prevent plaque. i would switch to a dry food, but if your dog likes pedigree, you can keep with that brand, its not the healthiest food for your dog, but neither is any wet food.

    • The one time she got some while we were staying with a relative she seemed to like it, but that's the bonly time she's had it since it's an unhealthy food. She loves her food tho, (blue organic) so it's all good.

    • Nope, never. First off, canned food and rot their teeth. Not a good idea. Also too much sugar in it, which helps destroy the teeth. And, pedigree is one of the worst dog foods out there. Mine only get the best brands of dog food. Like Innova, Merrick, Taste of the Wild. No cheap grocery store crap fed here.

    • Nope. That food is pure garbage. I feed Merrick. Here's a website for you to check out how Pedigree rates.

    • This is a great question and you should do your research very carefully! Everyone is going to have their opinion but that does not mean it is the right food for your dog. I just lost my seven year old German Shepherd to cancer and that is when I went searching for the cause. I came across a website on the internet that shocked me into disbelief that I probably had poisoned my dog to death and didn't even know it. Most dog foods are loaded with hidden poisons and other obscenities I still have a hard time grasping. I am going to give you the website address so you can read this report and learn what is really in commercial dog foods and you can make an educated decision like I did on which dog food to buy! I wish you all the best! Click the link below to get this eye opening report: