1years a go i bought a dog for my daughter.now i feel that i can't look after her anymore .?

i have 4 kids on my own and the dog kind big, jumping biting electricity cords .too stressful now don't know what to do, please help. my daughter got to be really upset if i

    1years a go i bought a dog for my daughter.now i feel that i can't look after her anymore .?

    i have 4 kids on my own and the dog kind big, jumping biting electricity cords .too stressful now don't know what to do, please help. my daughter got to be really upset if i...
    General Dog Discussions : 1years a go i bought a dog for my daughter.now i feel that i can't look after her anymore .?...

    • 1years a go i bought a dog for my daughter.now i feel that i can't look after her anymore .?

      1years a go i bought a dog for my daughter.now i feel that i can't look after her anymore .? General Dog Discussions
      i have 4 kids on my own and the dog kind big, jumping biting electricity cords .too stressful now don't know what to do, please help. my daughter got to be really upset if i

      1years a go i bought a dog for my daughter.now i feel that i can't look after her anymore .?

      1years a go i bought a dog for my daughter.now i feel that i can't look after her anymore .? General Dog Discussions
    • It seems like you really need to get rid of a few of those kids, so you can properly care for the dog. If you gave the dog more attention, exercise and some training, you will be OK. I would say cut down to two children at least.

    • Make more time for the dog and get some training in. You took on the responsibility now step up to it. How old is this daughter you bought the dog for ? and is she old enough to be more involved. All the dogs problems purely stem from lack of training.

    • Train the dog - commands like sit, stay, lay down, 'no' - for when he/she bites the cords, heel, etc. can go a long way. To help out with this, teach your kids to train the dog as well; then the dog will obey both you and your kids, so that if your kids see the dog misbehaving they can correct this behaviour. Get the kids to help out with looking after the dog - take it in turns to walk it, or go as a group. Take it in turns to feed, play with, walk, train and generally care for your dog. This will also help with teaching kids about responsibility. Try to exercise your dog more - destruction can often be a sign of boredom or lack of exercise.Check to see that your dog is healthy, as that can also be the problem.Please, whatever you do, don't give up on your dog and get rid of it. Many dogs change hands and they get stressed and unhappy, often ending up in dog shelters as a result. If you do end up giving your dog away, give him/her to someone you know personally who will be a good owner.Good luck!

    • Totally agree with the first answers you have here. This shouldn't be a case of it's not working out, get rid of. And you do realise that many times, once a dog gets into this situation, they starts going from home to home, picking up more unwanted 'baggage' until in the end, it may well be pts.Please try to set aside some time to get this hooligan sorted out - before she kills himself too if she's chewing electricity cords!! And get your other half involved!! It does sound as if you have your hands full but it shouldn't be the dog that has to suffer by losing her home.If at the end of the day, you can't see any way other than to get rid of her - contact his breeder first! Good breeders usually have a return clause which means they want to be involved in any rehoming, if necessary rather than the dog end up in a Shelter. Even if they can't physically take the dog back, most will have somebody in mind who could offer a loving home, especially with bitches.

    • All of the people in your family need to get on the same page of training the dog to prevent unwanted behaviour!Its like a father telling a kid NOT to to something, and the mother allows that same action! Not good for the dog!EACH and EVERY member of your household has to correct this dog, and in the SAME manner. The dog does not know its rank in your family. Every member of your family HAS to be an alpha or pack leader to the dog. This does NOT mean that you should punish the dog, but CORRECT his bad behaviour.Everyone should correct the dog when it jumps and bites electrical cords. A loud NO should be uttered and a swift poke to the rear leg at the time the dog exhibits unwanted behaviour.Obedience classes would be very good for this dog.The dog does not have a problem. Its the way the dog is handled by his uprights is the problem!