1year old house dog and due a baby?

Myself and my partner have a yorkshire terrier who is 1years old this month. This dog is ''our little baby'' and is a little spoilt with our attention.I am due my first baby on september 1st and i am worried that our dog will get jealous, or feel…

    1year old house dog and due a baby?

    Myself and my partner have a yorkshire terrier who is 1years old this month. This dog is ''our little baby'' and is a little spoilt with our attention.I am due my first baby on september 1st and i am worried that our dog will get jealous, or feel…...
    General Dog Discussions : 1year old house dog and due a baby?...

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    • 1year old house dog and due a baby?

      1year old house dog and due a baby? General Dog Discussions
      Myself and my partner have a yorkshire terrier who is 1years old this month. This dog is ''our little baby'' and is a little spoilt with our attention.I am due my first baby on september 1st and i am worried that our dog will get jealous, or feel excluded, we love him very much and would hate 4 him to be jealous or left out.Any tips on what to do?

      1year old house dog and due a baby?

      1year old house dog and due a baby? General Dog Discussions
    • Coincidentally I just saw a segment on the news about this. They recommended that before the baby comes to introduce baby things and smells to the dog. Sprinkle baby powder aroundPut out baby blankets, clothes and toys Activate baby swings and anything else that moves or makes sounds (they say this one is important because it's common for some dogs to freak out when a baby swing goes)Play a video or something of a baby cryingSounds silly but carry around a doll at home so the dog gets use to not having all of your attention.Walk the dog with a stroller (you'd probably look like a weirdo to neighbors)ADD - I also remember them saying to wear baby lotion and wash your hair with baby shampoo to get him use to these smells. (After rewatching the video I don't know where I got this last recommendation but it sounds good anyway. I think they talked more about it than what's shown in this clip)I found the news story online so you can see it for yourself - http://www.myfoxhouston.com/dpp/morning_news/100520-pet-of-the-week

    • Introduce the dog & the baby the very first thing you do when you bring the baby home. On the couch, the floor, the bed, let the dog smell & smell & smell that baby from end to the other. Make sure the dog feels like the baby is his too. Don't make the baby a taboo or be overly guarded. Include the dog when changing a diaper or feeding, the rocking. The little Yorkie can sit on your knees or next to you as you hold the baby.You will work it out. It will probably be easier than you think.Congratulations.

    • Basically you want to start acting and doing things now that you will be doing when the baby arrives. You need to start preparing your dog for the baby’s arrival. If you know anyone who has a baby or young child have them come to your home so your dog can get use to having young ones around. If you are going to be doing different things when the baby comes like dog is no longer has access to certain places (room or piece of furniture etc) you need to start that now. Get a recording of a baby crying and play those. Sometimes its even good to get a fake baby and carry that around do things with it that you will be doing with your baby when he or she is born. Talking to the baby, rocking, singing, place baby in car seat, crib, change diaper etc. Any smells that will be around now because of the baby , baby powder, baby lotions etc. If you plan on walking your dog and baby together get your dog use to the stroller. You may look odd but you are being responsible in preparing your dog for the baby’s arrival. Sadly many people do not do this which is why often dogs get surrendered when baby comes along. If they had just taken the time to prepare their animal companions just as they would prepare their first or second child for their second, third child arrival we’d see less people surrendering for that reason. Ignore your dog at times, this may sound cruel but there will be times that you will have to do this. Make sure your dog has plenty of toys to play with and that you try and work in some one on one time with your dog each day, either you or your spouse can do that. When your baby is born have your husband bring a diaper or clothing the baby has worn home so that your dog gets used to the scent before the baby comes home. You also need to decide how close the dog will be allowed to get to the baby. You might consider reading some books on the matterThere’s a baby in the house: Preparing your dog for the arrival of your child. And Baby Makes four: A trimester by trimester guide to a baby-friendly dog.Do some searches on preparing dog for baby there are quite a few articles that come up