Is there a cure for dogs having seziers?

i have a 2year old chocolate and he has seizures about once a week. Is there any way to fix it? We have taken them to the vet and he gave him pills and the problem continued, so he upped the dose and it still happens. they usually occour when he gets…

    Is there a cure for dogs having seziers?

    i have a 2year old chocolate and he has seizures about once a week. Is there any way to fix it? We have taken them to the vet and he gave him pills and the problem continued, so he upped the dose and it still happens. they usually occour when he gets…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there a cure for dogs having seziers?...

    • Is there a cure for dogs having seziers?

      Is there a cure for dogs having seziers? General Dog Discussions
      i have a 2year old chocolate and he has seizures about once a week. Is there any way to fix it? We have taken them to the vet and he gave him pills and the problem continued, so he upped the dose and it still happens. they usually occour when he gets over exited or over heated.(EX- after a long game of fetch & when my family was at my house for a reunion) is there maby something we can do at home to fix it?

      Is there a cure for dogs having seziers?

      Is there a cure for dogs having seziers? General Dog Discussions
    • well if they are serious seziers put the poor thing to sleep....but maybe first go to a differnt vet or take him to a pet hostibal....please dont get rid of him like some other people say(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!) animals are helpless creatures and they cant help there medical problems!

    • I had a Golden Retriever who had seizures. My vet told me that there were drugs for this, if it got really bad. My dog would have them once every other week or so. He told me the bad thing about the drugs was, once you start them, the dog has to take them for life. I don't think the seizures will really hurt the dog, but they can be very scary for the owner. I'd usually sit and hold his head so that he wouldn't bump into anything and just let him ride it out. I'd start talking calmly to him as he was coming out of it so the disorientation wouldn't panic him. I did this for a long time and he lived to be a nice old dog. One note, the seizures actually occurred less and less the older he got. Maybe that's something to look forward to!

    • I had a dog that had seizures (he was a cocker spaniel) and we took him to the vet to see if there was nething he can do about it and the only thing he could do was up the meds but like your dog he still got them, especially when he was over excited and playful...sometimes he would just have one taking a walk down the street, but as far as i know about seizures with animals, is meds, maybe an operation, sometimes u can do exercises with the dog to slowly get his rate up (so he doesn't get overly excited and have a seizure) This may not help much but maybe it will a little...

    • try a different vet, try to keep dog calm when visitors are there maybe have a quiet cool place for you best friend so he doesn't get to exited & stays cool on hot days,i know we all love playing with our pets bet try not to over exert him.

    • If anything, try finding out the cause. It could be genes or the fact the skull is shaped differenly than it should be. Small siezures are not terribly harmful, i have a siezure disoreder myself and I just feel a little out of it for a few minutes after, then move on with my day. Medications can be helpful. Please discuss options with your vet or even try looking for a nerology specialist for dogs in your area.