How can I get my @2year old Dachshund from pooping and peeing indoors?

My dog constanly peeing and pooping in my house!How can I make it stop????

    How can I get my @2year old Dachshund from pooping and peeing indoors?

    My dog constanly peeing and pooping in my house!How can I make it stop????...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get my @2year old Dachshund from pooping and peeing indoors?...

    • How can I get my @2year old Dachshund from pooping and peeing indoors?

      How can I get my @2year old Dachshund from pooping and peeing indoors? General Dog Discussions
      My dog constanly peeing and pooping in my house!How can I make it stop????

      How can I get my @2year old Dachshund from pooping and peeing indoors?

      How can I get my @2year old Dachshund from pooping and peeing indoors? General Dog Discussions
    • You may need to start from scratch at that age. I am a Dachshouhd owner . I put my dog out on a run and he loves it when it's nice but he is housebroken. Start by taking him out side as soon as you get up, wait until he relieves himself outside reward him when he goes and praise him lot make him think that was the greatest thing he did. Do this every time be consistant taking him out maybe every two hours. he'll get the idea hopefully. There's a trainer named Dean Rankin on the internet that has a training coures for Dachshound that might help you if your dog messes in the house put him in the crate until the next time you take him outside. He'll start to put it together mess in the house get put in crate potty outside i get a treat and im free. Good luck