24 hour shifts and then some. How do I take care of my dogs while at work?

I just got out of a 3year relationship with a wonderful girl whom I live with. I work 24 hours shifts at one job and then teach/study for a few hours on my days off. (24 hrs on / 48 hrs off). I have an emotional, older German shepherd with abandonment…

    24 hour shifts and then some. How do I take care of my dogs while at work?

    I just got out of a 3year relationship with a wonderful girl whom I live with. I work 24 hours shifts at one job and then teach/study for a few hours on my days off. (24 hrs on / 48 hrs off). I have an emotional, older German shepherd with abandonment…...
    General Dog Discussions : 24 hour shifts and then some. How do I take care of my dogs while at work?...

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    • 24 hour shifts and then some. How do I take care of my dogs while at work?

      24 hour shifts and then some. How do I take care of my dogs while at work? General Dog Discussions
      I just got out of a 3year relationship with a wonderful girl whom I live with. I work 24 hours shifts at one job and then teach/study for a few hours on my days off. (24 hrs on / 48 hrs off). I have an emotional, older German shepherd with abandonment issues and a lab mix, my ex who was sweet and amazing works a normal schedule so this wasn't a problem. I don't have family in the area and even if I cOuld stomach giving my dog to a family, that isn't an option.What do I do with them now? How can I make sure they are being taken care of while I am away? My dogs mean the world to me and I can't let them go. Suggestions?

      24 hour shifts and then some. How do I take care of my dogs while at work?

      24 hour shifts and then some. How do I take care of my dogs while at work? General Dog Discussions
    • If you can't convince your ex to take care of them, then you will have to hire a sitter, or take them to a doggie day care. You can not safely leave any dog alone for 24 hours and expect them to be normal.

    • You will either have to enlist a friend to help, or you will need to hire someone. It is not okay to leave dogs alone for that long, there could be many consequences as they will not get enough exercise, potty breaks or socialization within the 24 hour blocks you are gone. It makes sense that your dog has seperation anxiety -- who wouldn't worry if they thought they were being left for 24 hours each time you stepped out?? You should look into sending them to doggie daycare, or boarding them, or having a walker or sitter come to your house.

    • ask your ex if she would consider helping to care for these dogs... at least until you find another option -- maybe she would consider coming to stay with them while you are at work... she wouldn't even have to cross paths with you if you give her a key & let her come in after you are gone & leave shortly before you will be homeperhaps you can offer a room-mate exchange to a friend --- they get to stay for free if they take care of dogs for youfind out if your local vet's office has any vet techs, kennel workers, office workers would be interested in a part-time dog-sitting job -- or maybe they might be interested in room trade for helping with dogs

    • buy an automatic feeder for the food, and put insulation on the water canister that you can buy at a pet store and have them for back up near the water bowel. You may want to place ice in those canisters so when it melts its cool for your dogs.