I have a 3 year old shitzu and I haven't gotten her fixed yet. Is it dangerous to fix her now ?

Is it dangerous to fix a 3year old shitzu ?

    I have a 3 year old shitzu and I haven't gotten her fixed yet. Is it dangerous to fix her now ?

    Is it dangerous to fix a 3year old shitzu ?...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a 3 year old shitzu and I haven't gotten her fixed yet. Is it dangerous to fix her now ?...

    • I have a 3 year old shitzu and I haven't gotten her fixed yet. Is it dangerous to fix her now ?

      I have a 3 year old shitzu and I haven't gotten her fixed yet. Is it dangerous to fix her now ? General Dog Discussions
      Is it dangerous to fix a 3year old shitzu ?

      I have a 3 year old shitzu and I haven't gotten her fixed yet. Is it dangerous to fix her now ?

      I have a 3 year old shitzu and I haven't gotten her fixed yet. Is it dangerous to fix her now ? General Dog Discussions
    • Not at all. In fact many of the benefits that result from spaying beyond not being able to breed will still benefit your dog, for instance a lower rate of uterine and mammary cancers.

    • She should be fine as long as she doesn't have any bad health issues. Just talk to your vet and they'll give you more information and tell you if your dog is healthy enough.