I rescued an 11 month old german Shepperd and has no training what so ever. Were and how do I start?

I have a 3year old and 6yr old , and i'm alilttle uneasy having the dog around them. The dog runs around the yard and does not come when I call for it. There so much to teach this dog, just not sure were to start.

    I rescued an 11 month old german Shepperd and has no training what so ever. Were and how do I start?

    I have a 3year old and 6yr old , and i'm alilttle uneasy having the dog around them. The dog runs around the yard and does not come when I call for it. There so much to teach this dog, just not sure were to start....
    General Dog Discussions : I rescued an 11 month old german Shepperd and has no training what so ever. Were and how do I start?...

    • I rescued an 11 month old german Shepperd and has no training what so ever. Were and how do I start?

      I rescued an 11 month old german Shepperd and has no training what so ever. Were and how do I start? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 3year old and 6yr old , and i'm alilttle uneasy having the dog around them. The dog runs around the yard and does not come when I call for it. There so much to teach this dog, just not sure were to start.

      I rescued an 11 month old german Shepperd and has no training what so ever. Were and how do I start?

      I rescued an 11 month old german Shepperd and has no training what so ever. Were and how do I start? General Dog Discussions
    • Hire a trainer. There's bound to be a good trainer in your area. I would call around, ask about pricing and style of training.You don't seem like you know dogs well, I would go to a professional to learn before trying on your own. It can be tricky and there's a lot of misleading info out there.http://www.youtube.com/user/kikopupEmily Larham's youtube channel. She's a good trainer and if you sift through there you should get a general idea. please go to OB classes with the dog.

    • Get him to learn his name first. Say it then give him a treat when he looks at you.Then go on with basic commands like sit, stay, lie down, etc. Look up training tips online or put him in an obedience class.Good luck!

    • Start potty and crate training immediately. Start off with simple commands of sit and lay. You can get snazzy with the tricks later( Roll over, high five, up, etc.). Teach him to come and stay after he learns lay and sit. They are important pieces. If you are unsure how to do some of these, I suggest obedience classes.

    • Start by getting lots of treats. They really love it. And you will needs LOTS of patience and love, ofcourse. Then I would either go to the library and rent a book, or purchase one from a book store or online (I got some from Amazon). You're lucky too, from what I've read, German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent dog breeds. We just rescued 2 dogs too about a month or so ago, we think they are Lab and German Shepherd Mix, and they are about a year old. Anyways our two know how to "sit" and most of the time they know "stay". Right now we are trying to teach them to guess which hand the treat is in. They are getting pretty well at it. The main rule is they have to stay calm and sit after they select the hand they think it is in. As for the books, I would recommend: The Everything Dog Book. It gives an overview of just about everything.

    • I think it is wonderful that you rescued a GSD, thank you for adopting. German Shepherd's are very "needy" dogs. They are one the breeds that don't do well without being a part of a "pack". A "pack" can be of people or other dogs. To start take your dog to PetSmart or a similar place as much as possible to be around people and dogs. GSD's must be socialized. When you call your dog and he comes reward him with a treat and a lot of praise. Never call your dog and scold him, this will give a mixed message and make training difficult if not impossible. Basically reward any behavior you like. Dogs react so much better to positive training than negative training.Dogs of any breed or background should never be left alone around children. Teach your children the following and it will help to prevent accidents.1. Never pull on a dog.2. Never sneak up behind a dog.3. Never take something from a dog.You can also show your 6 year old this cool website that teaches kids about dogs: http://www.bestfriends.org/nomorehomelesspets/humaneeducation/next_gen.cfm

    • I recommend looking for a good trainer who uses positive methods.If you really want to do it with out the aid of a professional, start with basics and remember never to yell or hit, even if you go into panic mode.Need a leash, treats and lots of patience. If you need cheap treats hot dogs chopped up work really well to get them working.Have him leashed whenever working, this will tell him you are in charge. To teach sit. - At first I will instruct how to lure them into sit with out using the word sit. Pick a place with the minimum of distractions to start. If you do not get far the first session it is okay but start over next time until he is a pro. No longer than 15-20 minutes at a time.have a treat in one hand and the leash in the other. Lure his nose up with treat. The second his butt hits the ground he gets treat. timing is crucial. if he does not sit use leash to pull up and back on collar. the motion usually gets them in a sit . remember treat the second the butt touches floor.if he is still stubborn then apply a little pressure on rear in downward while still pulling upwards with leash. if you have to wait it out. I've had a dog what a long 5 minutes before he gave in. Lots of treats if this was difficult for him.As he seems to catch on he should be following your lure 8 times out of ten before you can name this action you just taught him. Lure him with treat. as soon as butt touches ground, say "sit" then treat him. he needs to hear that several times before he will connect the word with the action. I always wait for at least 20 good ones in two different sessions before naming the action.After you get sit try down but with luring towards ground. If he does not go all the way down on belly then step on the leash to put pressure on neck towards ground. Also do not lean over as this is intimidating and distracting to a dog. squat instead if needed. if he does not down right away you do not need to stay holding the treat in a crouched position. just stand on leash and wait him out. as soon as belly is fully on ground treat him. if it was really difficult treat him a few more than repeat using the same sequence of events for sit.