why does my dog pee constantly even when im in?

we always have the front door open when were in the house and my 3year old yorki is peeing constantly on the floor. no particular spot just everywhere, when she can go outside. She is house trained and been doing it for a few days now?

    why does my dog pee constantly even when im in?

    we always have the front door open when were in the house and my 3year old yorki is peeing constantly on the floor. no particular spot just everywhere, when she can go outside. She is house trained and been doing it for a few days now?...
    General Dog Discussions : why does my dog pee constantly even when im in?...

    • why does my dog pee constantly even when im in?

      why does my dog pee constantly even when im in? General Dog Discussions
      we always have the front door open when were in the house and my 3year old yorki is peeing constantly on the floor. no particular spot just everywhere, when she can go outside. She is house trained and been doing it for a few days now?

      why does my dog pee constantly even when im in?

      why does my dog pee constantly even when im in? General Dog Discussions
    • If you have brought something new into the house, that can sometimes cause dogs to start marking their territory, like a new peice of furniture. Or if you have been near other animals, that can also cause them to start weeing inside. Could be a new pet, a baby or just a feeling of insecurity for some reason. Hope you get it sorted soon though.

    • she could be pregnant (unlikely), or she might have a bladder problem, or shes scent marking coz something has made her feel threatened or challenged in her home, like maybe a new dog has moved in, in a nearby house, and shes telling the thing/dog that thats her house. or something is scaring her.take her to the vet to rule out anything medical.

    • If she's house trained this is probably a urinary tract infection and they are painful. The symptoms are frequent small amounts of urine. Take a specimen of her urine in a clean container to the vet for urinalysis. She probably needs antibiotics.

    • If this is something new that she has never done before, there is a good possibility she has a urinary tract infection. If this is not new, then she obviously needs more housebreaking training. If that is the case, here is a good way to re-train her;http://www.dogtrainingbasics.com/PottyTraining.htm