Are Jack Russell a good breed of dog for a pet for a 3 and 4year old?

I'm looking at getting a puppy for my daughters. I want a small-medium size breed. We have a yellow lab and a cat. So it needs to get along with them.

    Are Jack Russell a good breed of dog for a pet for a 3 and 4year old?

    I'm looking at getting a puppy for my daughters. I want a small-medium size breed. We have a yellow lab and a cat. So it needs to get along with them....
    General Dog Discussions : Are Jack Russell a good breed of dog for a pet for a 3 and 4year old?...

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    • Are Jack Russell a good breed of dog for a pet for a 3 and 4year old?

      Are Jack Russell a good breed of dog for a pet for a 3 and 4year old? General Dog Discussions
      I'm looking at getting a puppy for my daughters. I want a small-medium size breed. We have a yellow lab and a cat. So it needs to get along with them.

      Are Jack Russell a good breed of dog for a pet for a 3 and 4year old?

      Are Jack Russell a good breed of dog for a pet for a 3 and 4year old? General Dog Discussions
    • With any dog, work extensively on curbing their habit of putting their teeth on everything they come into contact with, before allowing unsupervised play with toddlers.Adult dogs (well-mannered dogs anyway) know that children are children, and behave accordingly to avoid injuring them, but puppies aren't really able to make that distinction.Similarly, you need to be sure you get a dog that can withstand the children as well. Big dogs are generally better at it.

    • You should add more about your family on here so we can get a better feel for how it would suit your family. How active is your family? What type of living area do you live in? Etc.Personally I wouldn't say that a Jack Russell is a good choice for their ages, since they are quite small (though sturdy little fellows) and they can be quite fragile at a young age. You should also consider how energetic these little guys are! They can be a bit bark-y, so if you live in an apartment this may not be the breed for you. My personal suggestion for your family would be of the Spaniel family. Cocker Spaniel, King Charles Spaniel, etc. They are still quite small, but are a bit larger than the Jack Russell, they are more laid back and though they still need exercise, it is far less than a Jack Russell would need. They are a very family oriented dog and are very sweet and calm. This is likely a better breed for a younger family, but your daughters must always be supervised when with the puppy, for the dogs safety, as well as for their own in case they get to rough with the dog!I hope this helps a little with your search.

    • no a jack russell would not be suitable for your family ... they do not tolerate little kids well (they can be trained, but as a breed they are not known for their kid friendliness), they are dog aggressive and it would mean zero to the jack russell that your lab is so much bigger, and within that jack russells life it would eat your cat ... jack russells were bred to chase and kill vermin, a cat is vermin in a jack russells mind ... even jack russells and kittens raised together does not guarantee the cat will live a full life ... i would say if you already have a dog and cat, 3 and 4 years old is kinda young for a puppy, you should wait a few years so your daughters can be part of training and caring for the dog ... if you buy a pup now it will just be a toy to them, and not many dogs appreciate that ...

    • I love Jack Russells but they wouldn't be my first choice for younger children as they are typical terriers and can be a little anxious and nippy if they don't get tons of mental and physical stimulation , I would suggest a Cavalier King Charles or Cocker spaniel , Beagle ,Pug or if you don't mind something bigger a Lab . Good luck .

    • I'm assuming as you already have a lab and a cat that your children are good with animals (as in they know not to pull tails/ears/fur)Personally i would choose something a little bit bigger and more robust than a jack russel, such as a cocker spaniel or a springer spaniel because your kids are used to a lab, which are very hardy dogs and jack russel puppies are so small that id be worried they might accidentally hurt the puppy, also jack russels can get aggressive with other dogs and cats if they arent really well trained and do tend to have a rather shorter temper than a lab does.

    • Absolutely not. JRT are not terribly tolerant of kids, they will happily chase and possibly kill the cat and will not tolerate rough handling by anyone. Oh and think of the most energetic dog you can think, multiply that by like 100, and you got the energy of a JRT.Hopefully, you are aware, that whatever pet you end up getting is not really for your daughters, since they are not capable of taking care of a pet, but instead for you, since you will be the sole caretaker of the animal.