Any Advice on my male 4 year old chihuahua peeing inside?

We have a 4year old chihuahua male that is neutered. He is the first small dog I have ever owned. (I am a big dog lover at heart) but husband wanted a smaller breed. We have had him since he was a puppy and no matter what we do, he will pee when he is…

    Any Advice on my male 4 year old chihuahua peeing inside?

    We have a 4year old chihuahua male that is neutered. He is the first small dog I have ever owned. (I am a big dog lover at heart) but husband wanted a smaller breed. We have had him since he was a puppy and no matter what we do, he will pee when he is…...
    General Dog Discussions : Any Advice on my male 4 year old chihuahua peeing inside?...

    • Any Advice on my male 4 year old chihuahua peeing inside?

      Any Advice on my male 4 year old chihuahua peeing inside? General Dog Discussions
      We have a 4year old chihuahua male that is neutered. He is the first small dog I have ever owned. (I am a big dog lover at heart) but husband wanted a smaller breed. We have had him since he was a puppy and no matter what we do, he will pee when he is mad. I have watched the dog whisperer episodes and used some of his advice. We have taken him to good citizens classes. I had a trainer come over for a four week class. He will not do it unless me and my husband have alone time and then we will find he has peed again in the house. His favorite spots are next to toilet and bottom of stairs. I have had a pet crew come in and clean those areas so the smell is gone but it doesn't seem to help. I have also tried the belly band to no avail. I am frustrated and am at my wits end. Oh he loves his kennel so keeping him crated is not a punishment as others in my neighborhood have suggested. I will not hit my dog as yet others have advised. Anyone know anything else I can do(He also pees in his kennel if we go into bedroom and close the door when he is crated. Or if we let him in the room and we get up to shower etc he will pee on my husbands pillow and its HIS dog. My dog is a Rott and we have no problems with her at all. No aggression or potty issues and they are both insides dogs.)Apparently you didn't read my question. I never said I hit my dog I said I wouldn't hit my dog.I don't really think hitting a 5 lb dog is the answer. I also said we DO crate him and he will do it in their if we go upstairs. I think if people are gonna take the time to answer maybe they should also read the whole question and then going of on a Tangent about things already stated.

      Any Advice on my male 4 year old chihuahua peeing inside?

      Any Advice on my male 4 year old chihuahua peeing inside? General Dog Discussions
    • Some times you need to be a little aggressive. Some people think it is Animal abuse but you will be supplies how much better your dog will listen and even be more apt to play and be a fun dog. It is harder to train little dogs.

    • You don't punish a dog for doing what it does naturally. Urination is natural, a dog should not be punished for it. They should be deterred or stopped when you catch them pottying and corrected, but not beaten or punished. Hitting a dog only instills fear and makes the situation worse, and since dogs often don't understand why they are being hit, you'll only make him more fearful/aggressive towards you and other people.1.) If the dog has special spots, where he likes to pee, BAR HIM FROM THEM. If the dog keeps having excess to places where he likes to go, he will keep going. 2.) Crate him, keeping the dog in a crate allows and teaches the dog to "hold it" until he is let out, and then taken outside to potty. Crating a dog when you are gone or when you cannot supervise him is the best way to eliminate unwanted peeing/potting. Keep the dog crated. Also, allow the dog outside for more frequent potty breaks and do NOT allow him to pee in the house, if you catch him doing it, stop him, and take him outside, if you see him sniffing around an area where he likes to pee, STOP him and take him outside.

    • HI C G,I hear your concern. This is pretty common for male dogs to "mark" or pee because they want to pee (not always because the "need" to pee). There is a solution if he responds to sound...It's called The Housebreaker. This thing rocks! The Housebreaker has a sensor that he wears when you are home. It is placed in a belly band and will alert you immediately as soon as he tries to have an accident. You can take him to the correct place to pee (outside). The alarm will tell the dog that he is doing something wrong so he will learn right away (it "catches" the dog trying to pee in your house but doesn't hurt him). The best part - the thing prevents the pee from getting on the floor. There will be no more pee to clean up! It’s awesome. I wish someone had told me about it years ago (maybe it wasn't out yet). Either way - you should get it. It works! Check it out – the website is http://www.TheHousebreaker.comThere is a Money-Back Guarantee on the website so its worth checking out...Good luck!Take Care!