What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old?

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    What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old?

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    General Dog Discussions : What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old?...

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    • What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old?

      What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old? General Dog Discussions
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      What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old?

      What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old? General Dog Discussions
    • It doesn't really matter what the breed is--its the dog that matters! If the dog is good it will fit in with any age of people. Make sure you teach your children to be good to the dog too!

    • Take a Golden Retriever - these dogs are usually good tempered, smart, easy to train, playful, great with kids and nice to look at. If you want to avoid arthritis pain in old age take a mixture of a Golden Retriever and another dog - pure breads tend to get health problems in old age and not live as long as mixed.

    • any type of dogs is right but the trip to picking the best pet for kids is go by their personality if they have lots of energy than golden retriver would do get a dog that loves to fun and play if kids are shy and calm get a dog thats personality matches like a poodle or something just go by what type of kids there are and match them if u go to the puond ask what type of nature the dog is like does he or she love to play fetch or is the dog a calm one that loves to curl up get a dog with good manner if u want it to be an inside dog good luck hope ive helped any

    • This is yahoo's breed test http://sy.adiho.com/ASA/Controller?adi_hasScript=1&_AD_195R22=110&adi_scriptSID=9295F05A51FD5522DB154F5F77657AB8&sysid=33&appid=9901

    • I strongly suggest a larger dog...NOT the little guys that are highly inbred. Standard Poodles, Retrievers, Spaniels are all very good natured. Shepards are good, but females tend to be very protective of their "family" and may not get along with friends stopping by. In fact, in my observations, males tend to be more friendly to most people, while females tend to be more protective. I do not suggest a miniature or toy dog. They tend to be high strung, will nip when annoyed.

    • Well i would suggest a husky. The reason is because i have a personal experience with them. My sister owns one and she has a daughter 8 a son 4 and another son that is 2. Her 4 year old is a special needs child. And you would"t believe how this dog takes care of the kids. During the day she makes sure no one harms the 4 year old and she walks around the house with the two year old making sure everyone is alright. She is so playful huskys are known for there protectiveness and playfulness. The 2 year old pulls and tugs on every thing possible. But i think the best part is at night.she will go to sleep in the seven year olds room until she is asleep. Then to the special needs child for awhile. Then last the baby she stays there for the night under the crib. Now she was not taught to do this it is just instinct when it comes to children for a husky. So you can clearly see why i recommend a husky so HIGHLY.

    • I'd reccommend a collie if you are looking for a larger dog. My brother was 4 when we got our first collie he was with us for over 11 years, 4 states, and 3 moves. They are excellent pets, very loyal and easily trainable

    • Definitely a Labrador Retriever or a Golden Retriever. Both have very good temperament and ver adviseable most specially for kids even 4 years below. This I can assure you of.

    • Siberian Husky.They were bred to pull a sled in Siberia but they were also part of everyday life and were encouraged to play with children. Many say that it is impossible to understand the special bond between husky and child. They are naturally placid with other dogs but if attacked (or family member is attacked) they are ready to defend themselves and family. They do NOT make good guard or watch dogs because they are so friendly but for those who do not understand their nature they are likely to be a deterrent. Huskies have a slightly wolfish look but they are not crossed with wolves, they come in a mixture of colours ranging from pure white to white with reddish markings, the most common colour is white underside with black or grey back and top of the head.