Why is my dog shedding so much?

Why is my dog shedding so much! After i took her a bath she lost like a bunch of hair (btw she is not bald) and if this has to do with anything, she is a 4year old shepherd/lab mix and she is a girl she can not be pregnant and she is not sick. Also I…

    Why is my dog shedding so much?

    Why is my dog shedding so much! After i took her a bath she lost like a bunch of hair (btw she is not bald) and if this has to do with anything, she is a 4year old shepherd/lab mix and she is a girl she can not be pregnant and she is not sick. Also I…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why is my dog shedding so much?...

    • Why is my dog shedding so much?

      Why is my dog shedding so much? General Dog Discussions
      Why is my dog shedding so much! After i took her a bath she lost like a bunch of hair (btw she is not bald) and if this has to do with anything, she is a 4year old shepherd/lab mix and she is a girl she can not be pregnant and she is not sick. Also I think its because her fur is probably too long but I'm not sure if that's the exact reason why. Also if this is really normal is there any way to minimize the shedding?and my do is not stressed she is a happy dog and loves everyone in our family so why should she be stressed?

      Why is my dog shedding so much?

      Why is my dog shedding so much? General Dog Discussions
    • Both shepherds and labradors are average shedding!Sadly clipping isn't a good option, this mix isn't ment to be clipped & funny enough clipping the coat can actually make the dog feel hotter, the coat also serves as protection againts sunburn, so when you clip it also puts the dog at risk of sunburn which can lead to skin cancerHeavy shedding. German Shepherds shed only once a year -- for 365 days. In other words, they shed constantly. You'll find hair and fur all over your clothing, upholstery, carpeting, under your furniture, on your countertops -- even in your food. Frequent vaccuming will become a way of life. Make sure you're REALLY up for this.http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/reviews/germanshepherds.htmlShedding and doggy odor. For such a shorthaired dog, Labrador Retrievers shed more than you might think. Their hairs come off on your hands when you pet them, and stick tenaciously to your clothing, upholstery, and carpeting. Be prepared for vacuuminghttp://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/reviews/labradorretrievers.htmlshedding is a natural loss of hair in dogs that allows the new coat to come in. All dogs shed; some more then others. There is no such thing as a non-shedding dog, unless you have a completely hairless dog, such as the American Hairless Terrier, however shedding varies greatly from breed to breed.The majority of breeds that are considered "very light shedders" are usually the breeds that need to be clipped, stripped and/or scissored. Because their hair falls out at a much slower rate, if they are not properly groomed they are prone to matting.Some breeds have a seasonal shedding season in the spring, as their winter coats are lost. But if your dog is an indoor dog it may not be outside enough for the dog's body to register the change of season, so he may shed all year round. Today dogs are bred mostly as companions and some breeds are not meant to live outdoors, so do not start leaving your dog outside all day long in hopes to stop the shedding. Longhaired dogs may appear to shed more, but it is really just the length of their hair that gives that illusion.What can you do to reduce shedding?Some dogs shed a lot. What can you do to help get the hair loss under control? Grooming is the key. Keeping in mind that the hair is going to fall out either way and it is best to remove it yourself and throw it in the trash, then to let the hair fall out naturally all over your house. The more hair YOU remove the less you will see it all over your house. Brushing your dog once a day will greatly reduce the unwanted hair all over your clothes, carpet and furniture, especially during shedding season. .There are products that can help you remove all the dead hair in a few grooming sessions, leaving less hair to fall out inside your house. During the shedding season, if you do not remove the shedding winter coat, you will most likely see it falling all out all over your house for about a period of a month or so.There are physical problems that can cause large, abnormal amounts of shedding such as ringworm, skin infections, stress, mange and cancer. It is not normal for your dogs coat to thin as the dog gets older. If your dog's hair loss is abnormal you will see bald spots. If you see bald spots or you think your dog is shedding abnormally, take your dog to the vet

    • Ah, so you have a german 'shedder' mix. Welcome to my world! LOLShepherds are notorious shedders...one of the worst, if not THE worst breed for this. It's a good thing they're such great dogs in all other aspects. :) Labs also shed a good deal. This time of year , and really twice a year, shepherds 'blow' their coats...meaning they shed out just about all their undercoat as well as a lot of guard hair. Giving a bath will loosen up a lot of the hair that's ready to fall out, so there's really nothing wrong with your dog....you've just jump started the process rather than having it come out slowly over a longer period of tie. We've been going through the same thing for the last couple of weeks. The only way to deal with it is a good daily brushing. Actually a comb or rake is much more effective than a brush in getting the hair out.

    • My darling...x Don't worry, some breed/dogs shed more then others !Especially in summer, when they need to lose more fur to keep them cool :)If your still worried about the shedding, see a vet, and they will tell you if there's anything wrong Good luck x

    • Baths loosen the undercoat of all dogs and they will shed extra for a day or two. They shed more in the spring and fall when the seasons change as well. A Shepherd or Shepherd mix most likely has a double coat which means they are heavy shedding dogs anyway.My son talked me into getting one of those double sided shedding combs, (wide, thick teeth on one side and very small tight teeth on the other side). The pet stores sell one for $50 or something around that expensive. We purchased a copy-cat at a fair for about $20. It's worth the money not to have to vacuum three times a week.