Is there any way possible that I can protect my pets from wild foxes in my area?

I live in a large housing estate and have never seen wild foxes in our area apart from on one occasion about 4years back, however last night there were 4 of them spotted in our area, one of which is actually dead. This morning I was awoken to a large…

    Is there any way possible that I can protect my pets from wild foxes in my area?

    I live in a large housing estate and have never seen wild foxes in our area apart from on one occasion about 4years back, however last night there were 4 of them spotted in our area, one of which is actually dead. This morning I was awoken to a large…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there any way possible that I can protect my pets from wild foxes in my area?...

    • Is there any way possible that I can protect my pets from wild foxes in my area?

      Is there any way possible that I can protect my pets from wild foxes in my area? General Dog Discussions
      I live in a large housing estate and have never seen wild foxes in our area apart from on one occasion about 4years back, however last night there were 4 of them spotted in our area, one of which is actually dead. This morning I was awoken to a large racket coming from my neighbours house, woke my whole street up. And of course I got dressed and hurried over to see what the problem was. My neighbours have 3dogs: an American pit bull terrier mix boxer, and two small jack Russell terriers. Like I said, there had been 4 foxes spotted in the area last night and so I took precaution on locking all my animals securely inside, my neighbours however thought nothing of it and did not. One of the foxes had actually killed one of her jack Russell's , which they keep outdoors , and her pit bull mix had actually killed the fox. Protecting his friend, we guess. So I seem the dead fox and dog and basically started panicking.I have 3 cats, all of which are rescues and are allowed both indoors and outdoors, 5guinea-pigs, (all of which are outdoor and have a run in my garden and shed) , a rabbit , and 3dogs (2 of which are Newfoundlands which we sometimes breed, and one a rescue dog). My greatest fear would be to loose one of my animals because of the wild foxes. I know they have to eat and what not, but that Dosnet mean their gonna have a quick snack at my house. Our rabbit lives outdoors (well she's indoors now and only allowed outdoors when my newfies are with her because of what happened), and so do our guineas, our 3 cats (aged 13years, 15years and 16years are most happiest when outdoors so we hate to see them locked up inside. Would the fox attack my dogs or be afraid of them? (Our two Newfoundlands are gentle giants and our other dog is a collie mix so is quite small). Would the fox be afraid of them because of their size? Our guineas , and rabbit are currently on "lock down" and not allowed out :( so are our cats. Is there anything I can put on my cats and whatnot that will sorta discourage the fox from trying to attack them? Sorta sounds like a stupid question, but is there any spray I could spray on them or something? I really don't want them to end up like our neighbours dog as we've had them for so long. Please someone help? Keeping my cats in all day is not an option, they love being out so we don't plan on locking them inside. I know this may seem harsh but, I'd rather see them live a happy life and get killed by a fox than have them live a miserable life locked inside. Obviously I'd hate to see anything happen to my babies but that's just how I feel.Anyways sorry for the long question, but please just somebody help ? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!Cheers :)I live in Dublin, Ireland so guns are illegal where I live so that's no exactly an option. Thanks anyways..

      Is there any way possible that I can protect my pets from wild foxes in my area?

      Is there any way possible that I can protect my pets from wild foxes in my area? General Dog Discussions
    • You should keep the animals that a fox would eat indoors or in fox proof ages until the foxes are gone. To get the foxes away you could get some large live traps. Once they are caught you could give them to an animal rescue group or just release them in some woods far away from people and pets.