I have a Female Choc Lab and a Male Choc Lab he got her and they were only tied up for about 10mins?

and want to know how long they have to be tied to actully know if she may be pregant she was in heat at the time when they got tied up. and is still bleeding how long before she will stop bleeding if she is pregant this will be her first Liter and she is…

    I have a Female Choc Lab and a Male Choc Lab he got her and they were only tied up for about 10mins?

    and want to know how long they have to be tied to actully know if she may be pregant she was in heat at the time when they got tied up. and is still bleeding how long before she will stop bleeding if she is pregant this will be her first Liter and she is…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a Female Choc Lab and a Male Choc Lab he got her and they were only tied up for about 10mins?...

    • I have a Female Choc Lab and a Male Choc Lab he got her and they were only tied up for about 10mins?

      I have a Female Choc Lab and a Male Choc Lab he got her and they were only tied up for about 10mins? General Dog Discussions
      and want to know how long they have to be tied to actully know if she may be pregant she was in heat at the time when they got tied up. and is still bleeding how long before she will stop bleeding if she is pregant this will be her first Liter and she is almost 4years old.Thank you

      I have a Female Choc Lab and a Male Choc Lab he got her and they were only tied up for about 10mins?

      I have a Female Choc Lab and a Male Choc Lab he got her and they were only tied up for about 10mins? General Dog Discussions
    • Take her to the vet to get a preventative shot to stop the pups - (assuming you don't want pups!)I don't know how long before you know - but a vet check would be a good idea whatever and he can give advice too.

    • check with the vet but if they tied then unless he is sterile your female will more than likely be pregnant. Agree with previous poster if your keeping males and females together and don't want puppies get one or both of them neutered. I have two female and two male dogs and only one of the females is not neutered she is too old to go through any form of surgery.

    • The length of a tie has nothing to do with if she will be impregnated! A tie is a tie! All females will continue with their heat cycle if she gets pregnant or not! It doesn't stop once she is pregnant! You should continue to monitor her very carefully so not other males gets to her! They can and will if given the opportunity! Then you'll have a real mess on your hands! Now that she has mated with your male give them only 1 day between matings then let them mate again if she is willing. Then no more matings! You must not let them over mate. This will add to pups being conceived to far apart! You need to get educated on how to care for a pregnant dam and then on whelping you have 63 days to do this so get started! UGH!

    • All dogs bodies react different there is no set rule on what you've asked,All successful ties I have witnessed lasted longer,I've had females bleed after a successful tie....If you plan to continue to breed there are test to make sure your female is ready to conceive. Check with your vet.

    • They can be impregnated even without a tie. A responsible breeder wuld have known that before allowing a breeding, as well as would have done the following:1. Contact a breed club for your breed. Ask for a mentor.2. STUDY the breed standard. Learn about dog anatomy and ask your mentor toclarify anything you don't understand.3. Learn what genetic faults and diseases run in your breed and test for anythat can be tested for.4. Show your dog in conformation events to see if it is of the properquality for breeding. Winning doesn't always mean a dog is breeding quality,but being around so many others that know your breed and will talk to youwill do wonders for your self-education efforts!5. Study the past history of great dogs in your breed. You will see how yourbreed has improved and progressed since the beginning of the breed.6. Study the breed standard some more! ;-)7. Join any Yahoo groups about your breed.8. Live, dream and study your breed.9. Get a good book on canine reproduction, and educate yourself about thepitfalls, problems, and proud moments of breeding. Learn about thephysiology of reproduction, such as heat cycles and venereal diseases indogs, potential for problems specific to your breed, and what you need toexpect at whelping.10. Remember that whelping (giving birth) can kill your female. Being usedas a stud dog can encourage bad behaviors common in intact males such asterritorial marking, aggression, and desire to roam from home.11. Prepare to be broke. Breeding properly is EXPENSIVE.12. Line up potential homes for any puppies you produce and write up acontract. Remember to include that you will be willing to take back yourpuppies at any time in their lives that they might need you. If you bringlife into this world, it is your responsibility FOREVER.13. Prepare to spend sleepless nights attending whelping females, caring forfading puppies or puppies orphaned, and practice cleaning up after 24/7 poopmachines.I'm sure there are many things I missed because being a responsible breederisn't just a job. It's a way of life. You will live dogs. 24/7/365. Thereare lots of hard decisions. There is a lot of expense. There will be pain.But, if you do your darndest to always keep the welfare of your dogs and thefuture of any of their offspring, you can go to step 14.14. Enjoy the love and success of a job well done.

    • I am not being funny but if you dont know the answers to these questions you should not be in a position to breed these dogs! If they have tied or even mated for a few seconds, there is a strong possiblity that she is pregnant. Some females will stand while they are still bleeding, but that should start to go by day 8 to 12 and after that will be straw coloured. A heat lasts for a few weeks depending on the bitch. You can get her scanned 30 days after the mating to see if she is in whelp. Its a bit late, but I suggest you read 'book of the bitch' (this has been deleted by yahoo, but it is the proper name for a female dog) and 'breeding for dummies'. These will have all the information you require. It is worth mentioning, I feel, that you are responsible for these puppies for the WHOLE OF THEIR LIVES. Thats 12-15 years. As a responsible breeder you have an obligation to accept these dogs back if their homes dont work out for whatever reason, for their entire lives. You need to ask yourself if you have the room, the time and the facilities to accomodate these dogs back. If the answer is no, then it is not too late to get your bitch spayed now.I am sorry if this seems a bit harsh, but these are important factors you should have considered before mating your pets. And you certainly should have read at least ONE book or asked someone to mentor you before starting this.Good luck.