Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son?

Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son?

    Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son?

    Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son?...
    General Dog Discussions : Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son?...

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    • Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son?

      Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son? General Dog Discussions
      Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son?

      Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son?

      Do i have to worry about the rabies of puppy who was accidentally bit the left foot of my 5years old son? General Dog Discussions
    • If the dog has had all its shots up to date then no. Clean with peroxide and bandage. If the bite is more serious then your child should be taken to the hospital

    • If the puppy has had it's shots, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about except caring for the injury on your son. Depending on the puppy and what it has been exposed to and things like that, you can always have your son checked to be safe though. Just to take every precaution.

    • recently a boy in a town got an un-curable rabies-like illness from a bat that either scratched or bit if i were you, i wouldGET OFF YOUR COMPUTER AND GO TO THE DOCORS!!!!thats only if you are experiencing any of these:a) you live in county that rabies existb) the puppy actually has rabiesc) your son is acting abnormal or sleepyhope this helps

    • Has the dog had all it's rabies shots? If yes no problem, if not the dog needs to be tested, and your son start treatment. If it was not your dog or a neighbors dog, and you can't find the dog, your son needs to start treatments asap.

    • noPuppies are not born with rabies. Unless the puppy has been attacked by a rabid wild animal recently, your puppy does not have rabies.Vaccines -prevent- diseases, not cure them. The rabies vaccine makes a dog immune to catching the disease in the future, should it be attacked by a rabid wild animal (or a rabid dog).