Have to give away my dog,I can't stop crying ?

My mom and dad just separated my mom moved into an apartment and my dad is moving at the end of the month,he can't have our dog thire,I had my dog spot for 5years,he is not just a dog he is my baby,I had him since he was a pup....I'm very sad to be…

    Have to give away my dog,I can't stop crying ?

    My mom and dad just separated my mom moved into an apartment and my dad is moving at the end of the month,he can't have our dog thire,I had my dog spot for 5years,he is not just a dog he is my baby,I had him since he was a pup....I'm very sad to be…...
    General Dog Discussions : Have to give away my dog,I can't stop crying ?...

    • Have to give away my dog,I can't stop crying ?

      Have to give away my dog,I can't stop crying ? General Dog Discussions
      My mom and dad just separated my mom moved into an apartment and my dad is moving at the end of the month,he can't have our dog thire,I had my dog spot for 5years,he is not just a dog he is my baby,I had him since he was a pup....I'm very sad to be giving up,I love him so much,what do I do,please no rude comments,I'm 15 by the way

      Have to give away my dog,I can't stop crying ?

      Have to give away my dog,I can't stop crying ? General Dog Discussions
    • im so sorry. see if you can move out and you and your dog can live with a friend? if not, then just try to find a good home for him with a loving family. don't take him to the shelter or they will euthanize (kill) him because there are way too many dogs who come into shelters and that's their only choice. i'm so sorry ur going through that :/ good luck

    • im 15 too, about a year ago we had to give away my dog Lucky because he was too big and he kept ripping clothes. my reason might not be as difficult as yours though. Try finding a home for spot, make sure he's with a good family. If your lucky you might be able to visit him regularly. i know what its like but dont worry too much, cheer up and try not to remind yourself all the time, goodluck!!!

    • Which ever parent you will be living with you need to talk to that one and tell him or her how important your dog is to you, especially with them separating. Tell them you'd rather live with a relative or even a friend who can take you both than have to give up your dog who makes you feel safe and loved when the world around you is falling apart. It's not bad that your parents are deciding to separate because that is something some people have to do, but they need to realize how big of an effect this is having on YOU and how giving up your dog would be too devastating. I hope it works out for you to keep the dog. Personally, I would only move to a place where the dog could go too as a dog is part of the family! To you, this dog is a great source of comfort. Tell your dad how you feel. Some people just don't realize how important this is and I know this is very important to you. If you have a relative who you can talk to about this who will be supportive, maybe even can intervene in some way, talk to them! So sorry this is happening right now. Just please take care of yourself whatever happens. One day you will be on your own and you will learn how complicated life can be for adults but also, you will be more sympathetic to how much this hurts should you ever have kids and be between a rock and a hard place.

    • What a sad and traumatic situation your Parent's have created for you. I am so sorry for your losses! Your family is breaking up and you must give up your dog!!! WOW!!! That is a lot to deal with for a young girl. Do you have a counselor to talk this over with. Maybe an Aunt or good friend? I wish I could help you but I don't even know what to say....except God Bless You Honey and I wish you the best!!

    • My first choice would be to give him to a friend. Another would be to have a family member take him. Last resort would be to find an active/loving family nearby. I cannot imagine parting with my girl if my life depended on it. Seriously, I would hate my parents and attempt couch surfing. But I'm in no position to tell you what to do, because this has never happened to me-- this is your reality. I'll let you know now that a person can get through anything as long as they strive for it, as the human mind is powerful enough to conjure new world if it had to. Dogs never hang on to the past. The best thing about our canine friends is that they live for the day, and Spot will not blame you. He will find a loving home and learn to live again, as dogs are highly adaptable. He will still know who you are, he will still trust you, and he will still dream about you-- even when you aren't always there for him. He will chase kids down the street because they look or laugh like you. But, when he returns home again, he will play with his new human children and experience that love he's always had.Take care friend.

    • I read once that dogs do not remember and adjust to new homes well. I think they remember and I would see if he can go with a friend or relative; if not put him in a no kill shelter. I feel for you so much. I had to have my dog put down do to heart problems but I still miss her so much. Take lots of pictures of her with you. If you have a movie camera use that.

    • So what do you want from us? You don't ask a question, you just say you can't stop crying. Here's some advice: Instead of crying, which isn't going to accomplish anything, get out there and try to find the dog another home. Ask around, advertise in your neighborhood, etc. If you can't find anyone who wants the dog, take it to the humane society and provide the dog's full history. A dog with a full history, i.e., gets along well with children, or whatever, is much more likely to be adopted than one off the street with an uncertain background. At 15, it's time you started acting more like an adult than a child.