Dog takes her puppies out the box?

Okay, I have a mini pincher (she is 2,5years old) and all her life she was sleeping with us in our beds.So, we took her to the mini pincher boy and now we have one week old 4 puppies. First days, mini pincher mom and her puppies were sleeping in the box…

    Dog takes her puppies out the box?

    Okay, I have a mini pincher (she is 2,5years old) and all her life she was sleeping with us in our beds.So, we took her to the mini pincher boy and now we have one week old 4 puppies. First days, mini pincher mom and her puppies were sleeping in the box…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog takes her puppies out the box?...

    • Dog takes her puppies out the box?

      Dog takes her puppies out the box? General Dog Discussions
      Okay, I have a mini pincher (she is 2,5years old) and all her life she was sleeping with us in our beds.So, we took her to the mini pincher boy and now we have one week old 4 puppies. First days, mini pincher mom and her puppies were sleeping in the box and never walked away. Now pincher mom comes to play with us or smth, and she want to sleep with us on our beds again. But this time - with her puppies. What we shoud do?All day, all night she takes her puppies and brings to our bed. We where closing the doors of that room where the box is, but it doesn't help - then she cries and lecerate the doors.Please, help. Me and my family haven't slept already 3 nights.....

      Dog takes her puppies out the box?

      Dog takes her puppies out the box? General Dog Discussions
    • Good breeders know that they sleep in the same room as a nursing mum and puppies! So set up a camp bed or something (sleeping bag) and stay with her as you/another family member should be doing.Had you started doing this, introducing her to her whelping quarters at least a week before she whelped, you'd have avoided all this.