adopting a pet with pre existing condition?

I adopted an adult dog (5years old), after a month and a half I took her to the vet to get a check up and I found out she has a disease in her gums and teeth that has been going on for months, the adoption place didnt check for this, and they argue that…

    adopting a pet with pre existing condition?

    I adopted an adult dog (5years old), after a month and a half I took her to the vet to get a check up and I found out she has a disease in her gums and teeth that has been going on for months, the adoption place didnt check for this, and they argue that…...
    General Dog Discussions : adopting a pet with pre existing condition?...

    • adopting a pet with pre existing condition?

      adopting a pet with pre existing condition? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted an adult dog (5years old), after a month and a half I took her to the vet to get a check up and I found out she has a disease in her gums and teeth that has been going on for months, the adoption place didnt check for this, and they argue that I adopted the pet "as-is" and would not take responsibility for it as the vet said it will cost me around $250 to clean her teeth and gums, their vet basically didnt check for something as simple as her teeth, what can I do?

      adopting a pet with pre existing condition?

      adopting a pet with pre existing condition? General Dog Discussions
    • Either return the dog to the adoption place, or pay for the dental work.Or you might get a second opinion. Some vets like"overstate" the situation to convince you to spend more money.

    • Nothing. If you adopted there is a contract that you are responsible for all vet care after adoption. there is no guarantee for health or temperament as they can both change in time. Most rescues only alter, vaccinate and worm. Other things only if symptoms are visible. you can return the dog and then they would do the dental. this is a common issue with some breeds and part of an owners responsibly. She needs her teeth cleaned. Not diabetes or cancer something they would be more likely to kindly offer help with.

    • No. You will just have to pay the bill. When you adopt the pet from a rescue, you adopt everything that goes with it. ALL of the rescues I know about will have it in their adoption contracts that the rescue is not responsible for vet costs once the pet is adopted. The vets that rescues use often give a steep discount for veterinary services. They are often more concerned with vaccinating, neutering, heartworm, and more obvious illnesses. Sometimes something can go unnoticed. It is actually common for a rescue dog to get passed along once basic care has been provided. In that case, the rescue can't be faulted per se. Vets want to put their resources where the money comes in. And I have to say, that I've worked with some pretty sub-par veterinarians affiliated with rescues. Makes me that much more thankful for my own vet. I would, however, register a complaint with the rescue. The rescue may want to take it up with the vet. Ours has had to confront a vet in a handful of instances.

    • $250 is a bargain compared to my vet. But if she is 5, beware there may be additional blood work suggested before putting her under anesthesia. I would have her teeth cleaned and hopefully it won't have to be done again for a while. Coming from a shelter, you have no idea what care she received, food, chewies, etc. Hopefully cleaning and whatever treatment needed will clear up the problem and you can keep her mouth healthy. Congratulations on adopting the dog. It can be a real crap shoot with shelters as you don't know what you are getting--not their fault as they don't know either.

    • You cant make any assumptions with a rescue dog. Some organizations will give the dog a well vet check, but if you got her from the pound, they dont.I would just pay the $250 and have her teeth taken care of ....that is not a very big vet bill. Or you could get a second vets opinion.

    • So you expected a non-profit organization to pay hundreds of $$ for a simple teeth cleaning so you wouldn't have to pay for it? If they had done this, they would have had to pass the cost on to adopters, or take a loss that would prevent them from saving another animal for lack of funds.$250 is very reasonable for a teeth cleaning. I have paid $700+ in the past.If you are already complaining about the cost of dog ownership, you may want to return the dog to the rescue. Don't ask for a refund, though-the money has probably been used to save a dog's life. Unless you want to be a horrible person.....All rescue animals are adopted as-is. To not understand this boggles my mind!