How can you make a 50-65 lb dog from jumping?

My friend well my next door neighbor has a pit bull on the chain outside. Hes very sweet and lovable but they keep him on the chain and hardley ever take him off, if they even take him off. he's probably about 5-6years old. I go to play with him and rub…

    How can you make a 50-65 lb dog from jumping?

    My friend well my next door neighbor has a pit bull on the chain outside. Hes very sweet and lovable but they keep him on the chain and hardley ever take him off, if they even take him off. he's probably about 5-6years old. I go to play with him and rub…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you make a 50-65 lb dog from jumping?...

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    • How can you make a 50-65 lb dog from jumping?

      How can you make a 50-65 lb dog from jumping? General Dog Discussions
      My friend well my next door neighbor has a pit bull on the chain outside. Hes very sweet and lovable but they keep him on the chain and hardley ever take him off, if they even take him off. he's probably about 5-6years old. I go to play with him and rub him and stuff because i feel sorry for him i don't think any dog should be chained to a tree dog house or not ! but anyways. everytime i turn around or am not looking him straight in the eye he jumps on me, i take his front feet and place them on the ground and point at him and i tell him NO by looking him in the eye. I know he's not my dog but still. he's too sweet to be tied up to a tree the rest of his life. thanks !!

      How can you make a 50-65 lb dog from jumping?

      How can you make a 50-65 lb dog from jumping? General Dog Discussions
    • There are a lot of good suggestions on how to stop a dog from jumping up but I think you will not be able to use any of them. The dog is lonely and just wants to jump up and be next to you. You can try leaning down but as soon as you turn around he knows you are leaving and he will jump up to try to delay your departure. One of my neighbors has a Pit bull (the brother of my dog)and he does the same thing since he is locked in a pen all day and only goes for walks when I can take him. It is not his fault.

    • I don't know where you live but in some towns it is illegal to chain a dog 24 hours a day please contact your local aspca or animal control. No one likes to see a dog go to the pound but it is better than that type of life. Yes you can teach it not to jump. When he starts to jump raise your knee and let him bounce off of it after a few times he will stop. Now this is not to kick him or to hurt him it just blocks the jump don't say a word to the dog when he is on all 4s then talk to him but use a voice that he knows you are buddies but don't talk in a voice to excite him. Make him sit when you go up to him and when you leave and leave quietly do not do any talking to him, again not to excite him, just leaving is excitement enough