my dogs i am terrified?

please do noy send me bad comments i have been through enough this is not realy a question but a stroy of what has happened to me if u read it thank u i am just upset and need too let it out ok two days ago my dog became very ill my biggiset fear came…

    my dogs i am terrified?

    please do noy send me bad comments i have been through enough this is not realy a question but a stroy of what has happened to me if u read it thank u i am just upset and need too let it out ok two days ago my dog became very ill my biggiset fear came…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dogs i am terrified?...

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    • my dogs i am terrified?

      my dogs i am terrified? General Dog Discussions
      please do noy send me bad comments i have been through enough this is not realy a question but a stroy of what has happened to me if u read it thank u i am just upset and need too let it out ok two days ago my dog became very ill my biggiset fear came true its parvo i got this dog about 4 months ago and the women told me he had all his shots well no he never even had one the vet told me he is in treatment at the hospitial and still may not live to make matters worse i have 3 other dogs and 8 new born puppies well my two female dogs have always been vacinated but this time they where late due to the fact they had puppies in their belly so now they r at high rick of getting it also its a long shot but i gave them their shots today i have had them for 6 years never been late on anything with them i am so scared so that leaves one more dog my male he has not had his set of three shots completed but has had a total of three shots spaced out his last shot before today he got about 4 months ago so i assume he is at risk to i may lose all my dogs and they r like my children i am in so much emotional pain i cant sleep eat everytime i hear a sound from my dogs i jump up to see if they got it its horrible but they seem to be ok so far the new born puppies i do know they r ok as long as they r nursing but once off the milk they will more than likely contract parvo i dont know what to do with the puppies should i go ahead and take them to be put down i am realy not sure i love all dogs but look at it like this for a min if i keep them and they become sick i am exposeing my dogs again when they do become sick ok well if i take them away my dogs will become depressed and i will feel horrible but lets be honest no way can i afford to help all my dogs and their puppies i can pull money for my dogs out of the sky and they may not make it anyways but 8 puppies at 300 a dog no chance ever and their risk for death would be even grater than my adult dogs id be on gods good side to get one puppy by the time it was said and done probaly the same for my other dogs but i gotta try 6years with them i will die inside knowing i did not try everything i could my dog thats in the hospital now they say he seems fine but we all know parvo can take a fast turn the werid part is he was throwing up and the craps but he was not weak he was a litle tired but could still run wag his tail and growl at the vet my little dashound thanks hee is a domberman pincher and that part of him was fully alive honestly i feel like i could killl my self for being so stupid if i lose all my dogs idk how my mind will hold up i feel like i cant get out of bed and none of my dogs r even dead yet but the fact that they could just kills me it realy does if none of them live i dont know how i could ever go on thanks for reading i just needed to let some of it out

      my dogs i am terrified?

      my dogs i am terrified? General Dog Discussions
    • that was the longest god damn "run-on sentence" i have ever read in my entire life.sorry, can't help you with your dogs, but.... <-- that's a period. learn how to use it., <-- that's a comma. it can also come in handy.

    • Wow, you need to take the woman to court, she said the dog had its shots and lied risking all your dogs. I say take them all to the vet and take her to court for the bill, since its pretty much an oral agreement that the dog had its vaccinations. Hang in there, talk to your vet about your other dogs and what to do to prevent the virus from getting to them. Make sure you removed everything the new dog was using and clean them thoroughly,don't let the puppies sleep where the new dog was or anything.Seriously though take that B*tch to court before she does it again to someone else. She said the dog was vaccinated when you got it, and because of her lie all your dogs are now at risk!

    • well, the older dogs prolly arent as at much of a risk as the young ones but i hope everything turns out fine. a tip to try to wash the parvo away would be to get bleach and put it on where ever the infected dog has thrown up on or had diarrhea on..but i know that parvo last a couple of years, so if your dogs dont get sick. make sure you continue their shots. but i hope your sick doggy makes it out ok :) i lost 2 dogs to parvo and its not cool. one was a 3 month old pitbull pup and the other was a poodle. so again, good luck..and yes, what Dizzie said is correct, you can sue the lady and take her to court for that. so i hope you do that

    • Dear Tara,please dont be upset! every living thing has a limited time to spend on earth! please do not be upset over this! look back at the memories with your dog... i don't care if it's 6 years or 4 months... look back at all the good memories you had with them... how happy you were.. please think about that and maybe you might be a teeny weeny tiny little happier... look at pictures of you and your dogs... please don't think of them dying.. that day is expected and will come but now please do treasure.. you treated them like your kids so you really did treasure your babies... don't worry, good will come out of it, God does not punish the innocent, so have faith.. keep it.. :') and one day something good will happen.. you will never know... your dogs may live.. they will not die.. i pray for you :)-SEUNGRIFIED EUNICE-Edits- oh yeah i read some other comments and yeah that woman was lying i realised. seriously dont bring your doggie to that vet... it'll just hurt..-Edits- to that person who told the woman to put a comma and a fullstop, you can't actually guarantee that your english is so much better. can't you tell that she's upset.-Edits- i'm not talking about autumn.

    • Holy rolling wall of text, Batman! Have you never heard of paragraphs and punctuation? That wall of unpunctuated text is almost impossible to read. Arghh, my eyes!Look, stop breeding these dogs. Have the females spayed and the male neutered. You are not in a position to care for them properly and now you're likely to have the whole bunch of them go down with Parvo....or at least I think that's what your saying.Just get them spayed and neutered. If any of the puppies survive you have the moral obligation to have them vaccinated. It's not their fault you didn't spay the adult females and now you've put them in danger of dying a very painful death.For crying out loud do the right think by your dogs and spay and neuter.ADD: I'm gleaning more information from the replies than I could get from your long sentence.For a start you can't sue anyone. It's your word against hers that she said the dog was vaccinated. You didn't ask for vaccination certificates and you have absolutely no proof of what was said. People who are suggesting you sue do not have an understanding of the law.As for the vet saying the dog has never had a vaccination, there is no way any vet can know if a dog has had previous vaccinations or not so he would never have made such a statement. He probably said if the dog had been vaccinated he probably wouldn't have caught parvo.This dog has been with you for 4 months so he didn't come to you with Parvo, he has caught it since you've owned him. Parvo has a short incubation period of between 6-10 days, sometimes as little as 3 days but never 4 months. This means your newborn puppies would likely get parvo even if this dog didn't have it because you have parvo on your property otherwise the sick dog would not have come down with it...and you didn't have this new dog vaccinated either. If you had none of this would have happened. Your adult dogs, having been vaccinated previously, even if not up to date, would have seroconverted. This means their cells remember parvo virus from when they were previously vaccinated and those cells will defeat that virus if it enters their system. This assumes the dogs are healthy and don't have a compromised immune system.You should speak to the vet about the situation with the puppies. They have maternal immunity at present but only titer testing will show when this is no longer the case. To vaccinate them now will only serve to destroy the maternal immunity.

    • Hi Tara.I'm very sorry to hear about this. I know it's heart breaking, to even think about your dog dying.So, fingers crossed your one at the vets will recover.Yes, it's an option to try and sue the woman who sold you the dog.But, I would imagine you don't feel like you have the strength to do that, at the moment.I presume you have spoken to the vet about the situation???I know it's VERY difficult, but I think you need to seriously think about having the puppies put to sleep.They are at risk now and in the future. How would you ever be able to re-home them?It's too risky and NO, you can't keep them all. You have to let your head rule this one and not your heart. Yes, it will be hard on the puppies Mum. But she will get over it.It would be better to spend your money on getting your females spayed. So, you are never in this situation again. And boys neutered.Then, I think you have to just hope that your other dogs are going to be ok.Once the puppies are gone. Then you have to do a mammoth clean up, with bleach everywhere.Even your yard or garden.Burn or get rid of all bedding and blankets etc.