Can My Bro Dog Tell If His Mate Is Pregnant?

Okay Well,this is about an old dog in our family he died(someone in the household who WILL NOT admit who let him off the chain had took him off and he became roadkill) sadly=( but after all these years I have wondered,did he know my dog was pregnant? cos…

    Can My Bro Dog Tell If His Mate Is Pregnant?

    Okay Well,this is about an old dog in our family he died(someone in the household who WILL NOT admit who let him off the chain had took him off and he became roadkill) sadly=( but after all these years I have wondered,did he know my dog was pregnant? cos…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can My Bro Dog Tell If His Mate Is Pregnant?...

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    • Can My Bro Dog Tell If His Mate Is Pregnant?

      Can My Bro Dog Tell If His Mate Is Pregnant? General Dog Discussions
      Okay Well,this is about an old dog in our family he died(someone in the household who WILL NOT admit who let him off the chain had took him off and he became roadkill) sadly=( but after all these years I have wondered,did he know my dog was pregnant? cos my brother's dog and my dog was related however,he could careless they looked nothing alike she was brown and he had a coat of a Rottweiler although they was quite small not real small but a bit lower than average...anyhow back to what I was saying.the moment we all founded out she was pregnant she was already 1month and a couple of days(she started to show)and like every since she was showing and her belly was fatter than usual cos to admit she was the skinniest dog I have ever had lol,every time I'd try to make her eat she wouldn't do it unless I bought her the fancy kind of dog food(which I could barely afford just did it sometimes aha don't say it I know she's spoiled)its like it was just yesterday...sorry let me stay on the point the moment she was showing and was eating + getting a bit aggressive he would be more jumpy than usual. he use to be quite a MaleB!tch and growl a lot so we'd back off but then all of a sudden he switched up and started acting sweet and was 'Trying' to be 'Protective' of her but she did anything she wanted basically.then it would cry if we was to pick up he would literally start SCREAMING as if someone is kicking him in the stomach(I don't know I guess he thought we was humping her or something even though we wasn't even in the right spot to hump at aha he was a mess) well let just really get to the point did he know she was pregnant or do all dogs go threw their mood swing's one year be grouchy next year sweet and a cowardaha we use to say he was just =p cos he would scream like a girl poodle(BTW he was barely 2 years old so I should have said one year(bleh blah) next a couple months)best answer get's 10 points oh yah and can dogs be gay? cause I have a cousin that use to have a dog name ruffy and he would lick the other boy dog *You know what -raises eyebrows- (ruffy was the age of 6years old and the other boy dog was just a puppy 11months i think)Oh my bad *He would cry every time we would pick her upSORRY IT WAS SOO LONG O_O

      Can My Bro Dog Tell If His Mate Is Pregnant?

      Can My Bro Dog Tell If His Mate Is Pregnant? General Dog Discussions
    • Male dogs do tend to be protective of their female mates. Maybe they do know when the girls are expecting by their scent.Dogs can prefer one gender to another or "be gay". It is a genetic issue in the brain development of the dog just like it is in goats, humans or any other animal.