New pup doesn't fit in?

I rescued a 10 month old puppy about a year ago, very skid dish but so loving. I have a 9 year old Westie and a 6year old Westie. All was fine at first, but now that the puppy is older and now about 5 lbs heavier than the others, she is trying to be an…

    New pup doesn't fit in?

    I rescued a 10 month old puppy about a year ago, very skid dish but so loving. I have a 9 year old Westie and a 6year old Westie. All was fine at first, but now that the puppy is older and now about 5 lbs heavier than the others, she is trying to be an…...
    General Dog Discussions : New pup doesn't fit in?...

    • New pup doesn't fit in?

      New pup doesn't fit in? General Dog Discussions
      I rescued a 10 month old puppy about a year ago, very skid dish but so loving. I have a 9 year old Westie and a 6year old Westie. All was fine at first, but now that the puppy is older and now about 5 lbs heavier than the others, she is trying to be an Alpha. The only male is my 9 year old Westie. Now the pup loves me and tries to love the others, but they hate her. She is too rough for them to play with and causes many fights because her play turns ugly. What should I do, get rid of her?

      New pup doesn't fit in?

      New pup doesn't fit in? General Dog Discussions
    • The only thing to do is establish YOURSELF as the pack leader. l had a similar situation (mine was the older dog dominating), and that's what my trainer told me. lt doesn't matter how much you try to protect your older dog, all three dogs need to look to you as the leader, to take their cues for behaviour from you. This is how it would be in the wild, dogs who fight among themselves are quickly put in their place by the pack leader. Being social animals, dogs will quickly learn to please you. lt's a fairly long process if you're not sure what you're doing, so l would suggest a home-based dog trainer or behaviour therapist. Try Bark Busters, just Google the name and it will give you a free-call number. l'm not sure where you live, but they are in a lot of countries and all states. Otherwise try your vet for suggestions. Good luckIf your puppy and older dogs start to get violent toward each other you should consider getting rid of the puppy.

    • Give her a slap on her ass when she tries to rough play with the older dogs. That's what I would do and do with my dogs and they start to learn that it's something they shouldn't do.