My new cat just wont adjust to the dog!?

We got a new cat about a week and a few days ago, she is about a year and a half old, even though we were told she was about 8 months, ohh well! Anyways, her and my other older cat (6year old male) have adjusted but she is terrified of the dog, ( a 10…

    My new cat just wont adjust to the dog!?

    We got a new cat about a week and a few days ago, she is about a year and a half old, even though we were told she was about 8 months, ohh well! Anyways, her and my other older cat (6year old male) have adjusted but she is terrified of the dog, ( a 10…...
    General Dog Discussions : My new cat just wont adjust to the dog!?...

    • My new cat just wont adjust to the dog!?

      My new cat just wont adjust to the dog!? General Dog Discussions
      We got a new cat about a week and a few days ago, she is about a year and a half old, even though we were told she was about 8 months, ohh well! Anyways, her and my other older cat (6year old male) have adjusted but she is terrified of the dog, ( a 10 year old chocolate lab that kinda still acts like he is a puppy) when she hears him upstairs or walking near she gets very cautious and starts to worry and when she is next to him she hisses and growls and one time she tried to strike him ( she is declawed though) We don't wanna have to get rid of her but she just isn't adjusting to the dog?! Any tips to help me out!?this cat used to be in a home, it ran away, because it had a micro chip they called the family and told them they had found their cat, they didnt want it back!i think she might have had a bad experice with some dogs, when the neighbors dogs bark she even growls!excuse me but we didnt declaw her she was already declawed when we recieved her:]]

      My new cat just wont adjust to the dog!?

      My new cat just wont adjust to the dog!? General Dog Discussions
    • my cat and dgos were like that they will get use to it. it just takes time the cat isn;t useto the dogs and its just geetting use to them. it will take awhile. i wa told it could take up to 3 months for them to get use to each toehr.

    • It's been less than 2 weeks..... it could take a few MONTHS for them to adapt to each other.... but if you give them both attention and affection and work on petting them at the same time.... they'll likely adapt.... it just won't be instantaneous.