I have a 7year old yorkie dog Why do thay had a body order.?

He gets a bath twice a week.thanks

    I have a 7year old yorkie dog Why do thay had a body order.?

    He gets a bath twice a week.thanks...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a 7year old yorkie dog Why do thay had a body order.?...

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    • I have a 7year old yorkie dog Why do thay had a body order.?

      I have a 7year old yorkie dog Why do thay had a body order.? General Dog Discussions
      He gets a bath twice a week.thanks

      I have a 7year old yorkie dog Why do thay had a body order.?

      I have a 7year old yorkie dog Why do thay had a body order.? General Dog Discussions
    • many dogs like to roll in odors they find attractive these same odors may be offensive to us.to add to the above answer a yorkie should be bathed and groomed every four weeks to keep them in good health and appearance, they also should be brushed three times a week. this is to help keep their coats healthy and free from mats(tangles in the hair). the smell could be comming from an ear infection or other problem so a veterinary check up is also important.

    • 1) What are you feeding him? If my Great Dane eats Beef Bones she tends to smell like them.2) How often do you bath em? and their bedding?3) Possible has got some bacteria causing this smell in which case - please take them to the vet! Some times that type infection can make their hair fall out and cause skin damage.Good luck with your lil pooch!

    • stupid question nut are you given your friend a bath? Smell comes from infections, open wounds etc. does your baby have an opened area? is he biting itself? does he have fleas and the biting gave him a sore. if he got wet did you completely dry him off or did he stay wet and now has yeast infection.

    • Twice a week is too often to bathe a Yorkie. Try no more than once a week with a very mild shampoo. Yorkies should NOT have any odor. If it's a urine odor, you can try carefully trimming the hair around the vulva. Yorkies can have bad teeth, which can give them horrible bad breath. Also, some cancers cause a peculiar body odor, but cancer is pretty rare in Yorkies. I'd say take the dog to a groomer or vet - they have a lot of experience in that department.