My Dog is Biting a lot, Wanna calm him. ?

Hi, I got Shih Zhu 7years ago, he turned 7 on 9/9. Ever since he was little hes been a very bad dog, he usually barked at people but nobody paid attention. In the last two years he has bitten all my family. My nephew came to my house 2 years ago and the…

    My Dog is Biting a lot, Wanna calm him. ?

    Hi, I got Shih Zhu 7years ago, he turned 7 on 9/9. Ever since he was little hes been a very bad dog, he usually barked at people but nobody paid attention. In the last two years he has bitten all my family. My nephew came to my house 2 years ago and the…...
    General Dog Discussions : My Dog is Biting a lot, Wanna calm him. ?...

    • My Dog is Biting a lot, Wanna calm him. ?

      My Dog is Biting a lot, Wanna calm him. ? General Dog Discussions
      Hi, I got Shih Zhu 7years ago, he turned 7 on 9/9. Ever since he was little hes been a very bad dog, he usually barked at people but nobody paid attention. In the last two years he has bitten all my family. My nephew came to my house 2 years ago and the dog has bitten him 4times. All of them he wasnt even bothering him but petting him. It seems like he is a very nervous dog and he attacks whenever he hears something, also he injured hs leg a long time ago when he was like 5yrs old and whenever u touch it he would look you bad and may bite. Yesterday he bit my mother who came to stay with us for the weekend because he wanted to be in the sofa and she tried to move him. I dont really know what to do, I love him but I was thinking about putting him to sleep because he is dangerous now, is not a small bite but a big one but I know i will feel bad. I was wondering if theres anything I can do to calm him or train him not to bite people. thank you very much for your time. PS: well, is not like i let him do it. He bites in the most random times. Like the first two times he bit me he was on the bed playing with a toy that made noises and I wanted to take it away from him, so i tried to grab the toy and RAWR. My newphew, first time he bit him he was on his legs and he was petting him and all of the sudden RAWR. Same thing just happened to my mom. thank you again for your help.

      My Dog is Biting a lot, Wanna calm him. ?

      My Dog is Biting a lot, Wanna calm him. ? General Dog Discussions
    • Whatever you do, don't hit him. You can take him to obediant school, but thats pricey. Dogs are a lot like children, like for instances, if a child does something wrong and you punish them by making them sit in the corner, next time they want to do something wrong they will think of how much they hated standing in the corner. If your dog bites or growls at someone tell him NO, in a stern voice then lock him in a room until he settles down. Also when he is routy and excited, don't pay a lot of attentnion to him, he will calm down if you just ignore him. I hope this helped good luck!

    • You may have to consult with a dog behaviorist these sites above.Good luck

    • A little advice don't take this wrong but the next time you have a dog you need to train them when they are puppies and if you think you can't do it hire a trainer. You can try hiring a trainer they will try there best but seeing as the dog is now 7years old and has been biting people this long it's going to be extremely hard to get him to stop but it's worth a try. Another solution would be to get a muzzle for his mouth so when people or kids come over he can't bite them I know it sounds kind of mean but it's better then have a lawsuit or something. Best of Luck!!!

    • Try these sites. Good luck.

    • I am shocked that you would continue to let your dog bite people. At the very least you could keep him in another room when you have people come to visit. You know what your dog is capable of and you did nothing to prevent it. You are responsible for your dogs biting. I think this has gone on too long for you to get advice and try and fix it yourself. I think you need to call a professional trainer or put your dog down. Your lucky that you haven't been sued and it's only Family members he has bit.

    • Temper-mental dog. I have one of those. It's difficult to handle sometimes. It has taken years to find a groove to excert his energy and aggression somewhere else and what I have found to work is... The territory thing, wanting to be on the couch, you have to first of not be afraid, and firmly teach him to get down. When I leave the house, he is to be put up, meaning he goes to his room, which is closed off with a baby gate. He goes to bed at 10-1030 every night no exceptions and now has gotten to the point where he puts himself to bed or asks to go to bed. I started taking him on longer walks and make him tired to excert the energy and help rid the aggression.If you get your dog into a daily routine he will learn that he is not the boss and will learn and keep his place as long as you keep yours. Oh and I know this sounds weird but the dog whisper show helped as well. Then of course there is obedience training to help place your dog out of alpha position.Good luck to you and hang in there, he will learn and please don't put him down, it's not his fault, he just wasn't taught. Temper-mental dogs are still extremely loving...we all have our faults.You may contact me if you care to hear more things I did for my dog thats just like yours. :)