infant and a dog in the same house??

hi there..can anybody tell me is it dangerous to have a dog and infant in the same place?actually my mom came recently to visit her grandson with our small dog(she's small although she's 8years old) we have a garden and she stays there,but i'm very…

    infant and a dog in the same house??

    hi there..can anybody tell me is it dangerous to have a dog and infant in the same place?actually my mom came recently to visit her grandson with our small dog(she's small although she's 8years old) we have a garden and she stays there,but i'm very…...
    General Dog Discussions : infant and a dog in the same house??...

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    • infant and a dog in the same house??

      infant and a dog in the same house?? General Dog Discussions
      hi there..can anybody tell me is it dangerous to have a dog and infant in the same place?actually my mom came recently to visit her grandson with our small dog(she's small although she's 8years old) we have a garden and she stays there,but i'm very nervous knowing that there's the dog.can my 2 month old son get some infections becuse of her?

      infant and a dog in the same house??

      infant and a dog in the same house?? General Dog Discussions
    • Hi there when i had my daughter i had 2 big dogs... I never left the child unattended with the dogs and they are always up to date with the jabs .No fear of picking up any infections just make sure the dog doesnt lick babys face

    • You always want to take precautions. I have a friend that is six months pregnant with her second child and her 2 year old is now letting the four dogs out of their crates and letting them outside in the mornings.

    • As long as the dog has had all its shots, and they are up to date, you should have no worries about infections or diseases. The only things you need to worry about are the dog physically injuring the baby. No matter how good the dog normally is, curiosity, excitement and/or jealousy may lead the dog to nip or scratch the baby. Introduce them slowly (give the dog one of the baby's blankets to sniff at first) and make sure you have an extra pair of hands around to take the dog away from the baby if a problem arises. Make sure you also have someone to give the dog lots of extra love and attention to help keep it from getting too jealous.

    • Of course it's safe!!! Humans have been co-habitating with dogs for thousands of years! If we could catch infections from them, our species would have died out a long time ago! In fact, if we could catch infections from them, you would be at as much risk as your infant would be.It's entirely safe...relax and enjoy your mother's company!

    • No, I have had my dog for 13 years. I had her when my daughters were first born. At first she was very jealous and kept doing stupid things like stealing the baby's toys, potting under the baby swing when my daughter was in it. She finally adapted after I kept correcting her. My oldest daughter is now 7 and my youngest is 5, they are now my dogs best friend. If the girls are gone she lays in their bed until they get home or she runs around the house looking for them if you ask where is her babies at.

    • What you need to know is this. Has the dog been taken on regular calls to the vet? Had shots? Is it clear or ticks and fleas? Is it clear of skin disorders (sarna, infections, sores). If not then don`t let the child play in contact continously (laying on top of each other, grabbing, etc) or for a very long period of time. Wash hands, face, arms well afterwards and clothes to the washer.

    • I have 3 kids and am preg. with my 4th. My children have always been around dogs with no problem (never leave them unattended of course... common sense) It is great to see the kids and puppies growing up together. Both of my daughters used the dalmations as step stools to get up on the couch.

    • If I were you I'd be more worried about the fleabag knawing on that baby like he's a pork chop, or maybe scratching him or something of that sort. Unless your scrawney mutt drops science, eats on it and then french kisses the little bugger you shouldn't worry about an infection.